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Representations of barbarians form 5th century
Quote:Sidonius Apollinaris on the Franks:

5.240: Their eyes are faint and
pale, with a glimmer of greyish blue. Their faces
are shaven all round, and instead of beards they
have thin moustaches which they run through with
a comb. Close-fitting garments confine the tall
limbs of the men; they are drawn up high so as
to expose the knees, and a broad belt supports their
narrow middle. It is their sport to send axes hurtling
through the vast void and know beforehand
where the blow will fall, to whirl their shields, to
outstrip with leaps and bounds the spears they
have hurled and reach the enemy first. Even
in boyhood's years the love of fighting is fullgrown.
Should they chance to be sore pressed by
numbers or by the luck of the ground, death may
overwhelm them, but not fear ; unconquerable they
stand their ground, and their courage well-nigh outlives
their lives.

I have more, give me a bit. I also think I have images.

Thanks a lot! I would like to see all your information. I have the two pictures from de vandals in the mosaic from north África, but I want to find more, especialy about clothing.


Regnum Barbaricum

Barcino, Tarraconensis, Hispania.

Messages In This Thread
Representations of barbarians form 5th century - by Ariamir - 05-21-2014, 07:39 AM

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