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Fritigern: a Christian prior to 376?
Thanks for the reply, Adrian

I brought this subject up because the events "define the man"-- in this case, Fritigern... and by "attachment," also Soranus. As you point out: this is a very little-known subject about an important event. It crystalizes Fritigern's character; and presages all following events. The 376 Danube crossing, the eventual rebellion, the ensuing war-- are all built upon this initial "civil war." Yet it was not really "civil," but rather a war of ideology, a war of conscience in which Soranus becomes a participant.

Ammianus gives terse mention to it, and we don't get its full impact, a rare case of Ammianus' guilt by omission. Of the two somewhat accurate and protracted mentions, that of Scholasticus seems more viable. Scholasticus was born c. 380 while Sozomen was born 20 years later. However, the key to dating the event (and pinpointing Fritigern's prior Christianity) comes from one of the 3 surviving letters written by Basil of Caesaria. We also have 2 dates confirming the deaths of 2 of the 32 martyrs.

First, lets go back to Fritigern's initial loss to Athanaric. He seeks aid because his people are being killed for being outspoken Christians. They may have been Arians, because Ulfilas missionaries were only a 2-days-walk back to Gothia, or the they may have been Orthodox because the Church at Tomis also sent in missionaries.

I think some were Arian while others were Orhodox. Let's face it!-- how could an unknown "loser" like Fritigern approach Roman military authorities and possibly convince them to back him in a Gothic ideological war? He obviously had prior contact, most likely militarily or through the Church. Perhaps he was, at some point, a federate officer. This also falls in line with his future capabilities as an excellent tactician. Fact is, we'll never know.

In any event, he convinces Junius Soranus to side with him on a duel-purpose mission. We can date it precisely to 373 through Basil's epistle 155 in answer to Soranus. And we discover more than just the retrieval of bones of the martyrs. Basil says, "As for yourself, whatever good deeds you do... and whatever relief you provide for those suffering from persecution for the name of the Lord, this you lay by for yourself on the day of recompense." This would be within a year after the deaths of St. Saba and St. Nicetus, the two major martyrs, as Soranus and Fritigern carefully plan a retaliatory attack upon Athanaric.

Fritigern appears to have been a Christian prior to this second battle, otherwise he never could have convinced Soranus (and subsequently the emperor) to aid him. And this was 3 years prior to his Tyrfingi crossing the Danube. In all that happens thereafter-- the retention camps, the "dog-meat scheme," the attempted assassination by Lupicinus, the battle of Adrianople, the protracted war-- Fritigern never loses his faith, always seeks peace, and never lowers himself to become an immoral man. This is what sets him apart from the great majority of leaders of his time.
Alan J. Campbell

member of Legio III Cyrenaica and the Uncouth Barbarians

Author of:
The Demon's Door Bolt (2011)
Forging the Blade (2012)

"It's good to be king. Even when you're dead!"
             Old Yuezhi/Pazyrk proverb

Messages In This Thread
Fritigern: a Christian prior to 376? - by Alanus - 04-16-2014, 05:58 AM
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Fritigern: a Christian prior to 376? - by Alanus - 04-17-2014, 05:02 PM
Fritigern: a Christian prior to 376? - by Alanus - 04-18-2014, 05:47 PM
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Fritigern: a Christian prior to 376? - by Alanus - 04-24-2014, 10:00 PM
Fritigern: a Christian prior to 376? - by Alanus - 04-25-2014, 02:42 PM

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