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More Merovingian- Kingdom of Soissons
Quote:Less than 300 words? and great part of those 300 miserable words reintroduced later? And you call this surviving of the Latin in ancient Anglo Saxon Language? :o

Well it is hard to argue with you Carlo if you automatically mock everything(indeed-EVERYTHING!) which not suits you as not a real evidence.I am convinced that even if some barbarian of that age might talk to you and his words were against what you promotes you would again continue in the same style saying:"It's not a real proof" :wink:

Robert,Me,and everyone who joined this discussion are not saying nowhere that what we believed in must be necessarily truth.Only that it seems more likely possibility to us from stated reasons than what you promots.But you don't seem to care about any reason if they go against your opinion.
You on the other hand are the only person in this debate who fanatically insist that his opinion is right and must be definitely the only right and possible opinion.

Is it really so hard to admit that you might be wrong as well(maybe you are right and I am not- but to me it is no problem to admit this possibility contrary to you)and that other opinion different to yours might be potentially right?You would probably rather die than admit you might be wrong and not necessarily right.

You know as long as I cant prove so clearly what I prefer to believe in, you also did not proved your believe sufficiently enough.Which is no wonder if we talk about period so poor on this kind of direct evidence.

Messages In This Thread
More Merovingian- Kingdom of Soissons - by Agraes - 03-03-2014, 10:14 PM
More Merovingian- Kingdom of Soissons - by Pavel AMELIANVS - 03-13-2014, 09:48 PM

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