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More Merovingian- Kingdom of Soissons
Here the point is that a military unit is part of a political structure and when the political structure represented by that military organization, has gone, also the military structure immediately ends. No money, no army, no officers, no values, no state no symbols, nothing!

The Anglo Saxon military organization after the Norman Conquest: vanished in few months!
The Greek military structure after the Roman conquest: vanished, gone!
The Langobard military organization after the Carolingian conquest: Gone in few years.
The New Model Army of Olivier Cromwell. After the Restoration gone, vanished!
The German Nazi Military Machine after WWII: Gone! (thanks God!)

When the state dies also his military projection dies.

Don't you think Pavel that before dreaming about not existent Roman military units in the VI century we should show some proof? Some archaeological site clearlt documenting the existence of such units? Or at least showing some payroll, or some direct source about that units? Don't you think that a tale by an interested >Byzantine VI century author MUST be considered only a tale or a lie if not supported by some evidence? Or archaeological evidences are needed only for the pseudo-Attic helmets?

Where are those Roman VI cent. units? Where are their weapons? where is written their history? where are their tombstones? what battles have they fought as Roman units in the VI century? Is it so hard to accept the end of the Western Part in 476? The end of an army that probably had already ceased being Roman from at least twenty or thirty years?

In Merovingian France there was not any Roman unit during the VI century. Do you think the opposite? well, show me some proof of a working Roman Unit (even one!) during the VI century in the West, if not ... :wink:

Messages In This Thread
More Merovingian- Kingdom of Soissons - by Diocle - 02-25-2014, 12:02 PM
More Merovingian- Kingdom of Soissons - by Agraes - 03-03-2014, 10:14 PM

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