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When did ‘Germans’ enter Roman consciousness?
Well really the distinguishment here is between the prezwork and chernjakov (forgive my spelling on that one, I dont remember the spelling) cultures, not between "Celt" and "German." The Chernjakov culture had more advanced agricultural techniques, different pottery, etc, and included in it are the celts of gaul. There were also Germanic Groups( e.g. the Frisii) included in this culture. Other germans (like the proto-goths) were prezwork, but would later acquire and improve upon chernjakov culture technology in the late 2nd century AD to become the tribes of the 3rd-5th centuries, which were another culture whose name I cannot remember.

Messages In This Thread
When did ‘Germans’ enter Roman consciousness? - by Flavivs Aetivs - 07-25-2013, 06:35 PM

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