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How Effective were Spears Against Cavalry?
Nathan Ross wrote:

Whether accident or design, and whether a vital part of the battle or just one small aspect inflated to prominence, I still think we should give Nazarius (and his audience) the benefit of the doubt about this incident.

Nathan, with all due respect, I think we shouldn't. It leaves you the impossible task of making up all sorts of ways in which his fruity fantasies might have worked (the heavy infantry quickly moving aside, and then the light cavalry surrounding cavalry and clubbing them to death? Those cataphracts really were very obliging cavalry!:wink: ) Just face it, for a lot of battles the only records left to us are literature, better than nothing, but do not make to much of it. Our sources only revert to reporting if they really have to, by ommission, or by oversight, but certainly not by intention.

Messages In This Thread
How Effective were Spears Against Cavalry? - by eduard - 03-07-2013, 06:21 PM

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