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What Weapons?
Antonius, I appreciate that this is an emotive issue and you can probably tell that I have some strong feelings about it as well. If you felt any of my comments or assessments were aimed at you personally then I can only assure you that isn’t the case. I appreciate that you have your right to hold your views on this issue and I respect that. I hope you can extend me the same courtesy.<br>
Antonius Lucretius wrote (quoting me):<br>
Most of my comments were directed at the reviews of the book on Amazon, which indicate the kinds of agendas the people who appreciated this book have. Flawed, weird and scary agendas.<br>
Why didnt' you simply quote reviews against the book instead of reverting to the old marxist tactics of name calling, Tim?<br>
I am sure you could find plenty on the net.<br>
I’m not sure what quoting negative reviews of a book that I haven’t read would achieve. What I addressed were the comments by some of those who were praising the book on Amazon – comments that I felt were highly flawed, weird and scary. I don’t think too many people would find comments which imply that this (non-existant) ‘human deluge’ is a harbinger of the Biblical ‘End Times’, or which or talk about the ‘death of the White Race’ (Sieg Heil!) or which rail against the influence of Satanism/Odinism/Asatru and its role in the ‘decline of Christianity’ unflawed, normal or comforting.<br>
If it’s name calling to regard oddballs like that as oddballs then I’ll plead guilty. I’m not sure what ‘marxism’ has to do with this or with me, but anyone who knew me would find the suggestion that I’m a Marxist or anything like one completely hilarious.<br>
The other comments I made were on those who drew attention to Australia’s recent controversy over asylum seekers, and did so in a way that showed they had little or no detailed understanding of this issue. As an Australian who has been following that issue closely, I’m fairly qualified to comment and point out their errors.<br>
Jean Raspail is a Pandora and no one likes a Pandora.<br>
Particularly when they are (i) wrong (as he and Erlich have proven to be) and (ii) being used by people with dubious agendas.<br>
Lemme tell you something my friend. My dad was a trotskyst, one of the founders of the 4th Komintern in France. Classified as agitator and political activist by the police.<br>
I was born amongst name calling, I suckled on anti-american stalinist rethoric and verbal violence, direct ancestor of the anti-west liberal politically correct attitude which you profess so amiably. I know the tactics. Try something else, it's boring. As well as the bending of facts.<br>
Again, I have no idea what has inspired these comments. If you come from a peerless hard left pedigree then all I can say is, I come from a peerless anti-communist one. I despise that manifestation of politics with every fibre of my being, along with all of its grab-bag of watered-down sub-varieties. I suspect you’re tarring me with the wrong brush – I’m not a socialist or a Communist or an ‘anti-American’ or anything like one. I fail to see anything in what I wrote which would suggest otherwise.<br>
Who made you king, Tim, to decide that millions of people who voted for those "populist liars" in Europe are are either racists or fools?<br>
Where did I say this? A great many people voted for the Howard Government in the last Australian election, including people I know and respect. Few of them are racists or fools and all of them did so in good faith. They trusted that they were being told the truth, that these asylum seekers were a threat to our security and way of life and that the Government had their interest, not self-serving political ambition, at heart as they framed their policies on this issue.<br>
Now the extent of the Government’s lies, media-manipulation and cynicism have been revealed, many of them are severely regretting the way they voted. The people who are peddling this issue as a way of furthering their own agendas are the people I was condemning – many of them are fools, many of them are racists and most of them are cynics with a hunger for power.<br>
Who made you king to decide what people should or should not read?<br>
Maybe we should burn Raspail's book?<br>
Again, where did I say or even imply anything like this? I said <b> *I*</b> had no intention of reading this book. How does that become me deciding what people should or shouldn’t read or me advocating book burning?<br>
Self-righteousness and political correctitude are totally out of fashion. So is the good old peace and love.<br>
We gave at the office already..<br>
It saddens me to hear anyone say that, even as a joke or a rhetorical point. I’m not sure what ‘political correctness’ means anymore – I gather it means ‘something that I don’t agree with and want to label’. And if a plea for compassion and for some examination of the motives of the people who are trying to ride to power on the back of thinly-veiled racism is ‘self-righteousness’ then I’ll plead guilty. As will thousands of people who rallied in Bastille Square last week and millions of others around the world - of all political persuasions – who are finding these declarations that compassion and humanity are ‘out of style’ rather disturbing.<br>
A lot of us became dutch, lately over there in Europe, and decided to call a cat a cat and a problem a problem. And it's obvious that as Europeans we are going to try to alleviate it. Too bad you disagree.<br>
My question is about <i> how</i> you alleviate it. Short of building walls around your country, you are always going to have to deal with the issue of immigration – illegal or otherwise. And with Western populations rapidly aging and birth rates declining, immigration is soon going to become an absolute economic necessity.<br>
The nihilism which is part of your attitude …<br>
Again, you seem to be projecting something onto my words that isn’t actually there. What ‘nihilism’? Calling for compassion and a reasoned response to the problem of illegal migration is ‘nihilism’? So what’s declaring ‘peace and love’ to be ‘out of fashion’ – hope?<br>
… was once crystallized on marxism-leninism. Since the death from natural causes of the great soviet brotherhood a while back, all those self destructive thoughts were transferred on other issues such as globalization or immigration policies, or animal rights.<br>
Why that? In my opinion to follow a subconscious desire of destruction of the western civilisation and hence a desire of self-destruction. The basis of nihilism.<br>
Umm okay, but I have no idea what all that has to do with me. You seem to be arguing with someone else.<br>
I’m happy to discuss this with you calmly BTW, but please address what I’ve actually said and try not to assume things about me. So far your assumptions have been completely wide of the mark.<br>
<p>Tim O'Neill / Thiudareiks Flavius<BR>
Visit Clades Variana - Home of the Varus Film Project<br>

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Messages In This Thread
What Weapons? - by Anonymous - 05-01-2002, 01:26 AM
Re: What Weapons? - by Anonymous - 05-01-2002, 02:23 PM
Re: What Weapons? - by Anonymous - 05-01-2002, 04:19 PM
Re: What Weapons? - by Catiline - 05-01-2002, 10:02 PM
Re: What Weapons? - by Anonymous - 05-02-2002, 03:16 AM
Re: What Weapons? - by Gaius Octavius Drusus - 05-03-2002, 01:05 PM
Re: What Weapons? - by Anonymous - 05-03-2002, 06:18 PM
Re: What Weapons? - by Anonymous - 05-04-2002, 12:44 AM
Re: What Weapons? - by Anonymous - 05-04-2002, 09:58 AM
Re: What Weapons? - by Anonymous - 05-05-2002, 10:17 AM
Re: What Weapons? - by Anonymous - 05-05-2002, 01:51 PM
Re: What Weapons? - by Anonymous - 05-05-2002, 01:57 PM
Re: What Weapons? - by Gaius Octavius Drusus - 05-05-2002, 05:30 PM
Re: What Weapons? - by Anonymous - 05-05-2002, 07:16 PM
Re: What Weapons? - by Anonymous - 05-06-2002, 02:44 AM
Re: What Weapons? - by Richomeres - 05-06-2002, 08:33 PM
Re: What Weapons? - by Anonymous - 05-06-2002, 09:46 PM
The Camp of the Saints - by Anonymous - 05-07-2002, 09:30 AM
Re: The Camp of the Saints - by Richomeres - 05-07-2002, 03:53 PM
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Sounds like hysterical, zenophobic crap to me - by Anonymous - 05-08-2002, 10:33 AM
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Re: Multiculturalism - by Thiudareiks Flavius - 05-10-2002, 05:25 AM
Re: Multiculturalism - by Richomeres - 05-10-2002, 06:09 AM
What weapons? - by Anonymous - 05-10-2002, 06:24 AM
Re: What weapons? - by Richomeres - 05-10-2002, 03:22 PM
Re: What weapons? - by Anonymous - 05-10-2002, 04:13 PM
What Weapons? - by Anonymous - 05-11-2002, 02:48 PM
Re: War - by Anonymous - 05-31-2002, 12:14 AM
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Scary Stuff - by Anonymous - 06-15-2002, 06:59 AM

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