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Emerita Augusta, Merida, Spain.
EMERITA AVGVSTA is an event held either in the last weekend of September or the first weekend of October every year, in honour of the Emperor Augustus who founded the city which is today Merida in western Spain. I had the most fantastic weekend there, joined by authors Jose Sanchez Toledo and Javier Negrete, and other rmembers of Legion V Alaudae and Legion VIIII Hispana, with whom I was on parade. The big crowds attracted by the event is tell-tale evidence of the growing popularity of historic re-enactment there is in Spain in general. So if any of you are stuck for ideas as to what to do as the re-enactment season ends, this may be your remedy. You won't be disappointed either, it's well worth going to if you want to bring your re-enactment year to a climax before Saturnalia sets in.

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Emerita Augusta, Merida, Spain. - by Mike - 10-07-2012, 11:57 PM

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