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Imperial Roman organisation

I thought I would ressurect this topic, particularly because on re-reading it you have implied that I was suggesting that if a Roman soldier was promoted his space in the barrack room would be filled by a new recruit. I did not suggest that, nor is that what I believe.

In general I subscribe to the theory that the Imperial Roman Army recruited its legions in mass enlistments at set periods. This fits with descriptions of legions falling in strength over time and also makes sense in terms of unit cohesion, which I recognise as a former Lieutenant Colonel in the British Army. I realise that there were exceptions to this general practice, for example in 4 cohorts being diverted to replace those lost by 9th Hispania in the Boudiccan revolt, but the fact this is mentioned in ancient texts indicates that it was unusual.

If therefore the starting point is one of these enlistments, most of the soldiers due for discharge will leave, probably to a new military colony. Centurions seem to have moved around during their careers so many would have stayed. I would however suggest that the majority of the principales (Optios, Signifers and Tessararius) would be re-enlisted soldiers at that stage, as may some Centurions. I suggest that the balance of re-enlistments would form the first cohort, various specialist immunes and possibly provide the initial conturberium commanders. At this stage I would suggest it would be the aim to bring the legion up to its full strength from the new enlistment.

At that full strength starting point I would suggest that the archeological evidence of Roman barrack block structure points towards the Principles having one or two rooms allocated to them, in addition to those allocated to the ten conturberium each of 8 men. You actually say this in one of your own books. This would make a full strength century 84 men, including Centurion, Optio, Signifer and Tessararius, leaving aside the Cornicen.

Obviously as time goes by the Legion strength will drop and there will promotions from the latest enlistment into the Principales, but in my view that does not negate the general principle of the Legion's full strength structure. The Centurion and Principales had battle positions outside the formation of the century and it makes no military sense to include them in the calculation of the ideal number of men required for a block 10 files wide and 8 ranks deep.


Messages In This Thread
Imperial Roman organisation - by Rod MacArthur - 07-06-2012, 12:07 AM
Re: Imperial Roman organisation - by D B Campbell - 07-06-2012, 02:24 AM
Re: Imperial Roman organisation - by Macedon - 07-06-2012, 03:58 AM
Re: Imperial Roman organisation - by D B Campbell - 07-06-2012, 10:11 PM
Re: Imperial Roman organisation - by Rod MacArthur - 07-22-2012, 03:09 PM
Re: Imperial Roman organisation - by D B Campbell - 07-22-2012, 04:13 PM
Re: Imperial Roman organisation - by Nathan Ross - 07-22-2012, 04:58 PM
Re: Imperial Roman organisation - by D B Campbell - 07-22-2012, 08:12 PM
Re: Imperial Roman organisation - by D B Campbell - 07-22-2012, 10:28 PM
Re: Imperial Roman organisation - by Nathan Ross - 07-22-2012, 10:46 PM
Re: Imperial Roman organisation - by D B Campbell - 07-23-2012, 01:34 AM
Re: Imperial Roman organisation - by Nathan Ross - 07-23-2012, 02:03 AM

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