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Battle at the River Trebia, winter 218 BC -section
I know that this is just a snippet. I have noticed that fiction authors tend to focus on Hannibal's side of the events of the 2nd Punic War and often portray the Romans as cruel and even vicious. Mind you, they were ferocious in warfare and certainly by modern standards, cruel may be the appropriate term, but they got their point across in their own view.
I looked at your website and noted that the first book has Roman principal characters. I have not read the first one, so cannot personally comment on how Hannibal-centric it is or how much of the Roman side of things is shown.

For a suggested correction when the young men are charging forward toward the end of your piece: "With an inanimate roar", use instead "With an inarticulate roar" as a suggestion. Inanimate means unmoving, inarticulate means words cannot be distinguished.

I recently read a novel from the local library, written from the Carthaginian view and including that of a common soldier of the Libyan infantry-It takes him from Saguntum to Zama and one sees the fighting as a single soldier would see it as his own part of it and not the grand tactical view.

I grew up with fiction also written from the view of the Carthaginians. I don't recall a single one written from the Roman side or view of the war.
Quinton Johansen
Marcus Quintius Clavus, Optio Secundae Pili Prioris Legionis III Cyrenaicae

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Re: Battle at the River Trebia, winter 218 BC -section - by Quintius Clavus - 07-17-2012, 10:31 PM

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