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What Gladius was in use during Iberian conquest?
Ricardo, the Roman army was using Greek styled weaponry around the time of the Second Punic War. The Roman defeat an Cannae was attributed to the Romans getting too packed together to properly wield their weapons. The Gladius Hispansiensis was adopted later during the war or immediately afterwards, as the Romans used it in the Macedonian wars.

Hannibal realized how effective the sword was with his Spanish mercenaries and equipped some of his army with the sword before Cannae.

The Mainz Gladius was almost for sure used by Caesar's legions in Gaul through the second quarter of the First Century AD.
Quintus Furius Collatinus


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Re: What Gladius was in use during Iberian conquest? - by Matt Collettivs Ave - 03-20-2012, 06:43 PM

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