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Charlemagne and later \"Roman\" emperors
Quote:it only states that he was regularly called augustus or consul, not that he claimed the title.

Yes, I agree it doesn't say he actually claimed the title. But it sounds like a distinction without a difference, IMO. To be regularly called by a title implies consent or acceptance by the recipient. And when coupled with his actions of wearing imperial regalia the title doesn't sound so empty. Assuming the story is accurate it sounds provocative enough based on the Byzantine reactions against the crowning of Charles.

Quote:culturally the Roman empire was a main point of reference for them, there simply was no other established state in the west they could refer to for their ceremonies, terminology ecc.

I'm not sure I agree. Clovis' predecessor, Childeric, was content with using the Latin title "Rex" as we see on his coinage and jewelry. The use of "Augustus" is something new for a Germanic king.

What makes the story more astonishing is the near contemporary events taking place in neighboring Italy. Odoacer, the first Germanic king of Italy in 476, tactfully sent back the imperial regalia of the western empire (WRE) to Constantinople, declaring that there was no need of a western Augustus as long as he could rule as a subordinate king.

Then Clovis comes along and does the exact opposite by wearing the regalia of an Augustus and allowing himself to be called such.

BTW, the Germanic tribes did have their own ceremonies. The famous raising on the shield ritual, first mentioned by Tacitus, was purely Germanic. Julian the Apostate was the first Roman to undergo the ritual and eventually it caught on as part of the Byzantine coronation ceremony.

Quote:If Charles had been a ruler in Northern Germany, I think the Byzantines would never have bothered.
That sounds like the case with Clovis. Since his kingdom didn't share a border with the empire I guess they didn't care what others called him. And by not making it an issue the title was not passed down to Clovis' successors. But I think Charles could have claimed to have inherited it. I guess he didn't have a copy of Gregory of Tours handy at the time. :-)


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