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A new early roman \"Lippe-Lager\" at Olfen (D) ?!
Hi Duncan, far as "the intrenet has given away" in a short overview, this area seems to be "fertile grounds" for archeologists with a couple of settlements from the stone ages on. ( and I think there must be a press-release from the "LWL"-authorities)
The main cause why Olfen is already on the course of the "Römerroute" seems to be that besides of the civilian traces in that area there is another profound argument for that:
They have found a "Coolus-type"(?) roman helmet there.( and "Feugere, The Arms of the Romans" ,2002, p.86 >> >> refers to it as "Buggenum-type".)
To sum it up as far as I've understood the press pubs and the reasoning included:
1)Olfen/Sülsen is right "smack dab in the middle" of Haltern and Bergkamen/Oberaden resp.
2)There is a Lippe ford.
Let's see what the press-release of tuesday's conference will be like.



Olfen 2007:
Siggi K.

Messages In This Thread
Re: A new early roman \"Lippe-Lager\" at Olfen (D) ?! - by Simplex - 10-23-2011, 09:33 PM

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