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metal armpurse/wristpouch Vindonissa

This best known example from Britain that you refer to is in fact the Barcombe Fell purse, that was found in 1835 near the Signal Station above the Fort of Vindolanda and contained three Gold Aurei 60 Silver Denarii some of which were of Hadrian.

However the reference to the building of Hadrians' Wall is no more that an assumption of Guy de la Bedoyere where he gives reference to it in his book "The Finds of Roman Britain" It was more likely to have belonged to a soldier who was from the garrison of Vindolanda who hid it while at the station, because of distrust of those around him not only soldiers at the station but also the civilians of the settlement that the station was in.
Brian Stobbs

Messages In This Thread
Re: metal armpurse/wristpouch Vindonissa - by PhilusEstilius - 02-23-2011, 02:59 AM
Re: metal armpurse/wristpouch Vindonissa - by Doc - 02-23-2011, 10:58 PM
Re: metal armpurse/wristpouch Vindonissa - by Doc - 02-24-2011, 01:48 AM
metal armpurse/wristpouch Vindonissa - by Sutoris - 10-09-2012, 02:17 AM
metal armpurse/wristpouch Vindonissa - by Sutoris - 10-12-2012, 12:23 PM

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