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The Capture of the Sassanid Emperor\'s Harem
I found a couple of references for the Shapur harem event - from Syncellus and Zonarus, both Byzantine monks, so pretty late chroniclers, but presumably working from earlier sources. They both give Ballista aka Callistus as the Roman commander. Syncellus says he used a fleet to relieve Pompeiopolis, which might explain what those marines were doing there...

Both quotes are here, in an excerpt on Google Books: The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars

I suppose at the time Ballista was effectively a usurper, or acting for one (Macrianus), and Odenathus was an allied king; with the empire still in chaos after the capture of Valerian, neither of them were in much of a position to advertise their conquests widely! Galerius also captured a Persian harem from Narses in 297 - seems Persian kings often carried their womenfolk about with them on campaign. Doesn't Plutarch mention a Parthian prince (Pacorus?) travelling with a train of 200 wagons to transport his harem?

- Nathan
Nathan Ross

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Re: The Capture of the Sassanid Emperor\'s Harem - by Nathan Ross - 07-03-2010, 08:49 PM

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