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Ideas for a series of Novels (again)
As some of you might know, I've been gathering research for a series of novels I'm planning to write. However, I can't decide wether it should be set during the time of Caesar or Marcus Aurelius.

I) The series set during the time of Caesar will be based around a few legionaries from Legio X Equestris, whilst giving an insight on the troubles faced by the commanders.

Originlly, one of my main characters was going to be a Centurion called Herennius - who ultimately would take part in the asassination of Cicero, along with one of my other characters, Poppillius. However, I'm not sure wether these characters could be in the Tenth Legion as the Tenth's veterans were settled in Narbo Maritus and Antonius' 'praetorian' bodyguard would have been made of veterans that had been settled in Campania.

I chose the Tenth Legion as it's one of Rome's most famous legions. It was Caesar's most trusted unit, it was the only legion (at first) prepared to follow Caesar against Ariovistus, it was mounted as his bodyguard (where it recieved its title), it saved the day against the Nervians, it took part in the invasion of Britain, its Aquilifer was one of the only men willing to disembark at the shores of Britain, it took part in Gergovia, Alesia etc... So there are BIG oppurtunities here to make a damn good plot. There are also other things the characters could get involved in, such as the betrayal of Dumnorix etc. so really, I'm spoilt for choice...

II) But the Marcomannic wars are very tempting for me aswell. There isn't a great deal known about them, but I think that could open up possibilities for a more creative story line. Perhaps a vexilation of Roman soldiers are ambushed by Germans and have to get back to the Roman lines? Pehaps I could re-create some of the scenes found on the Column of Aurelius? Maybe one of my characters has to rescue their family from danger when the Germans attack Aquilea?

I have many ideas for both. But I don't know which to choose? I suppose if I was to choose the story set in the time of Caesar I would have the Bellum Gallicum at my disposal and many other primary sources. But the only sources I have found useful on the Marcomannic Wars have been the Column of Aurelius itself and Cassius Dio, and there isn't that much of a clear picture concerning the soldiers of the Aurelian era.

Can anyone offer any help or any suggestions?

Grazie Mille,

Lorenzo Perring-Mattiassi/Florivs Virilis


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Ideas for a series of Novels (again) - by LvpvsRomanvs - 03-07-2010, 11:02 AM

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