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Did Romans recognise the fall of the republic?
Quote:Once Augustus ends the Republic and started the Empire how many Senatorial revolts do we have? None? Where are their highstanding feelings for the Republic? They dont exist.
I think your information is misplaced. There were at least three: in 41 AD, in 65 AD, and in 175 AD.

Quote:Once they realized that they could maintain some of their power and all of their wealth under the Emperor any love for the Republic washed away.
Then what of the Senators who talked down to emperors, like Curiatus Maternus, Helvidius Priscus, and Musonius Rufus, or historians who championed the republicans in preference to the monarchical party, like Cornutus who said that Caesar's assassin Cassius was "the last of the Romans"?
Multi viri et feminae philosophiam antiquam conservant.

James S.

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Re: Did Romans recognise the fall of the republic? - by SigniferOne - 04-09-2010, 06:19 AM

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