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Kalkriese has nothing to do with the Teutoburg battles
Here´s also a refreshing new idea about the countermarks:

There was also a chain-mail chest-hook found at Kalkriese, with the inscription


Which means M. Aius from the first legion of the fabricii (Legio I often referred her name to Gaius Fabricius Luscinus, who fought Pyrrhus, Legio I lost that name only when she came into Augustus "posession" after he had defeated Marcus Antonius)

There is a lead plumb bob from Kalkriese with an "I" on it, and several other finds with either an "I" or a "P" on them...

A Cavalry unit from the campaingns 14f. is also attested for Kalkriese, the inscription of a scabbard-hook is "Domitii", referring to Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus
(Georgia Franzius u. Rainer Wiegels, Beschläge einer Gladiusscheide und Teile eines cingulum aus Kalkriese, in: Germania, H. 1, 2000, S. 567 -607)

Christian K.

No reconstruendum => No reconstruction.

Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas.

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Re: Kalkriese has nothing to do with the Teutoburg battles - by caiusbeerquitius - 02-10-2010, 11:56 PM

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