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Oi... New, and Where to Start?

Ha, you don't ask much, do you? No problem, welcome to RAT! You're in the right place. Really can't help you on other Romans local to you, but others here might know more.

Yes, my humble Legio XX site is definitely what I (in my enormous modesty) would recommend as your basic guide. I'll try to hit a few of your other questions.

2. Most groups in the US aim more or less for the mid-first century AD, if only because most off-the-shelf equipment is aimed at that era. But a lot of it is good for earlier stuff, too. So it's possible to come up with a basic kit which will cover a pretty wide span of time. Some groups will be happy with a member doing an earlier impression than everyone else, others may be more strict. If you're on your own, do what you LIKE!! We're reenactors, here--actual heritage has nothing to do with it.

3., 4., etc. For a kit that can cover anything from about 40 BC to at least 50 AD, I'd recommend a lorica hamata, Coolus C helmet, Mainz style gladius, curve-sided scutum (SCOOtum, by the way!), and a belt with narrow plates (cast or plain sheet). All of that is basically acceptable for the civil wars of Octavian and Antony, but still perfectly good for the conquest of Britain. We honestly don't know if lorica segmentata was more common than hamata even during the first century AD, nor if there was any status difference between troops wearing either type, etc. Some of us wear segmentata just because it looks cool, others wear hamata just because it's more comfortable! Coolus helmets were probably the most common in the time span you mention, but after mid-first century the Imperial styles were winning out. Fashions change. Shield color is a huge question mark--we think each legion had its own emblem, but we can't really prove that. We know of a lot of different emblems, and there are a few surviving color depictions and surviving shield bits that suggest some colors (including red), but putting it all together is up to each unit (or individual).

5. Soul of the Warrior is good people (Rusty Myers), and other good off-the-shelf suppliers include La Wren's Nest and Imperium Ancient Armory. All have items which are generally accepted as accurate, but they also have stuff I would recommend against, and a few things that can be modified if you're clever and moderately talented. Best to check the bottom of each particular Legio XX page for recommended sources. (I can add to those or update them if anything new has come out since I last looked.)

7. For a good overview, I still recommend Peter Connolly's "Greece and Rome at War". Simkins' Ospreys are kind of outdated but still have some good tidbits, but Graham Sumner's Ospreys on Roman Military Clothing are state of the art and fabulous. Bishop and Coulston's "Roman Military Equipment" is in its 2nd edition and a "must have". Dando-Collins book on Legio X gets very bad reviews, here, overall. For many specifics, you can't beat a few days of just browsing through RAT topics! Start with the History and Archeology section and browse backwards in time about a year or so, clicking on any topic that looks like it might be pertinant. I still do that sometimes! Then repeat with the Reconstruction section. The search function can be useful, too, if you have a particular subject in mind.

That get you started? Don't delete anything from your first post! Just keep asking whatever you need to ask. Believe me, if you get too pesky we'll let you know! Good luck and Vale,

Matthew Amt (Quintus)
Legio XX, USA
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Messages In This Thread
Re: Oi... New, and Where to Start? - by Matthew Amt - 05-14-2009, 08:00 PM
Re: Oi... New, and Where to Start? - by barcid - 05-19-2009, 01:50 AM
Re: Oi... New, and Where to Start? - by Tarbicus - 05-27-2009, 05:54 AM
Re: Oi... New, and Where to Start? - by Lunico - 08-01-2010, 03:31 PM
Re: Oi... New, and Where to Start? - by Crispvs - 08-17-2010, 10:49 AM

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