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Ponte Salario in the Gothic Wars
Quote:I've got to admit that I'm not sure what you mean here. The quote from Bury is regarding a fortified bridge several miles from Rome. Prior to the siege of Rome by the Goths, Belisarius built a tower here and garrisoned it with troops - who then ran away as the Goths arrived (Procopius V.xvii. 12f.) In the translation and notes Dewing identifies this as the Milvian Bridge (Proc. Vol. III. p.169, n.1.)

Are you confusing this with the Porte Salaria (Salarian Gate) at Rome itself?

Hmm, but Bury at Lacius speaks explicitly of the Ponte Salario ("When Witigis reached the Ponte Salario, where the road crosses the Anio..."), doesn't he?

I found this info from Galliazzo (I ponti romani):

Quote:Infine al tempo della guerra tra Goti e Bizantini subì gravi danni per mano di Totila che sembra abbia abbattuto quasi tutta l'arcata centrale fino all'acqua e buona parte delle soprastruuure; poco dopo tuttavia il bizantino Narsete lo ricostruì integralmente nel 565 d.C. in migliore stato di prima, dopo aver dragatO l'alveo del fiume parzialmente interralo. A ricordo di tale impresa avvenuta sotto l'imperalore Giustiniano furono incise due iscrizioni sulla faccia interna di due lastre uguali e contrapposte dei parapetti, proprio sopra la chiave dell'arcata centrale del ponte.

My Italian is lousy, and OCR does not help, either, but he speaks of Narses, too, not Belisarius. So Belisarius defended the bridge (in vain), and Narses later rebuilt it, or what?
Stefan (Literary references to the discussed topics are always appreciated.)

Messages In This Thread
Re: Ponte Salario in the Gothic Wars - by sonic - 05-11-2009, 01:20 PM
Re: Ponte Salario in the Gothic Wars - by Eleatic Guest - 05-11-2009, 01:36 PM
Re: Ponte Salario in the Gothic Wars - by sonic - 05-11-2009, 02:06 PM
Re: Ponte Salario in the Gothic Wars - by sonic - 05-11-2009, 06:04 PM

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