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Advantage of the Pilum over Bows and Arrows?
As a "General Rule". If I were to lead a force into combat of any type I would want to know the capabilities of my group. Contests of skill are not unknown in most units and it would make sense to reward those who excelled. Training gives a good chance for all of these factors to come to bear. Personal skills vary but with a little practice a leader would know when to say "let 'er rip' within a couple of meters or so.

One question for Greek style javelins what are the specifications, ( length, weight, type of materials, etc. ) Thanks!
Craig Bellofatto

Going to college for Massage Therapy. So reading alot of Latin TerminologyWink

It is like a finger pointing to the moon. DON\'T concentrate on the finger or you miss all the heavenly glory before you!-Bruce Lee

Train easy; the fight is hard. Train hard; the fight is easy.- Thai Proverb

Messages In This Thread
Re: Advantage of the Pilum over Bows and Arrows? - by Astiryu1 - 05-11-2010, 12:23 AM

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