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Gosh Lucifer 2k1!<br>
What an excellent and balanced view of Roman History you have. I am so glad that you have decided to start a debate with such an interesting statement and I am especially looking forward to hearing from you again.<br>
There are a couple of points you made in your statement that I feel do need a little clarification:<br>
1 When you refer to "their leader", to which emperor are you referring? (I am assuming you are refering to an emperor, as the Republic ended 503 years before the collapse of the empire and a duration of 503 years is pretty good and fairly well negates the statement made about letting "their empire fall".<br>
2 When you stated "God they're worse than the Brits" am I right in assuming that you meant in the way that the British once had an empire and then lost it, or to another facet of their culture? Please could you expand on this statement as I am sure that the British members of this board would be most interested to hear your explanation.<br>
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you as a new member of and I sincerely hope that our future conversations can be as fascinating as this one.<br>
<p>Veni Vidi Bibi</p><i></i>

Messages In This Thread
ROMANS SUCK - by Anonymous - 11-14-2001, 06:13 PM
Re: ROMANS SUCK - by Anonymous - 11-14-2001, 09:27 PM
Re: ROMANS SUCK - by Anonymous - 11-15-2001, 09:07 AM
Re: ROMANS SUCK - by Catiline - 11-15-2001, 10:57 PM
Re: ROMANS SUCK - by Anonymous - 11-17-2001, 12:06 AM
Re: ROMANS SUCK - by JRSCline - 11-19-2001, 05:45 PM

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