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Roman Hoplite ?
Hello to everyone,

First of all, please apologise for my bad english and the fact that my introduction have been made long time ago. Sure nobody knows me here and I hope this thread is not at a bad place.

I did a research on this forum to have more information about what I want to know but I did not found anything, so I start this thread, hoping it could be usefull to someone else.

I learned in some literature roman armies have been part composed with hoplites between the 6th and 3th century bc, but the references are not verry clear about it and/or maybe not enough completed.

I will give you one of theses : Osprey publishing, witch can be verry serious or... completely wrong, depending the theme it studies.

The publication I mean is "Men At Arms 283 - Early Roman Armies", where we can see a roman hoplite from 508 bc with linen thorax, greaves, aspis, lance and sword, and an other roman hoplite with the same configuration but the bronze thorax, illustration says : 4th century bc.

I would like to initiate a discussion about this because I must admit it is verry difficult to find people with whom talking about this period and this particularities.

And more precisely, I wish to talk about :

1 : Is it confirmed romans used hoplites or is this again a bad interpretation of emphasis of our ancesters ?

2 : If so, do someone have informations, sources, references, pictures, draws... something about this ? Organisation of the army, name of the units ? (Heared they where already "Triarii" but I have no source for that)

3 : About the aspis, do you know what kind of illustrations could be on it ? Again, if you have archeological pieces (Let the dream come true... ), mosaïcs, paints, written repports... I will be verry greetfull.

4 : All you want to know or say about this.

Please have all my respects !
Proximus (Gregory Fleury)

Messages In This Thread
Roman Hoplite ? - by Proximus - 12-07-2008, 11:24 PM
Re: Roman Hoplite ? - by Quintus Galerius - 12-08-2008, 11:08 AM
Re: Roman Hoplite ? - by Matthew Amt - 12-08-2008, 03:39 PM
Re: Roman Hoplite ? - by Proximus - 12-08-2008, 05:03 PM
Re: Roman Hoplite ? - by Quintus Galerius - 12-08-2008, 05:21 PM
Re: Roman Hoplite ? - by Matthew Amt - 12-08-2008, 05:33 PM
Re: Roman Hoplite ? - by Quintus Galerius - 12-08-2008, 05:46 PM
Re: Roman Hoplite ? - by Proximus - 12-08-2008, 06:01 PM

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