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Rank and duties of a Prefect
AFAIK 'Prefect' isn't really a rank in the modern sense, but a tag like 'commander' or 'in charge'. Position and status depend mostly on what you are the prefect *of* (it always goes with a genitive). My trusty Kleiner Pauly says that the defining characteristic of a prefect was that he was appointed to his post by a magistrate of the Roman People, but was not himself a magistrate. Varro uses the term to describe leaders of work gangs on large estates, even.

You get prefects in civilian and military posts, ranging from promotion ex caliga to high-ranking senatorial positions. The prefects of the state treasuries for example were always senators of praetorian rank and the Prefect of the City a consular. In the Principate military, the highest-ranking prefects would be the Prefect of the City (commanding the urban cohorts), the Prefect of Egypt (commanding all troops in the province), the Praetorian Prefect (commanding the Praetorian guard), and the Prefects of the Egyptian legions (in place of the legates that commanded legions elsewhere). Except for the Prefect of the City, these were equestrian offices, and all of them very senior. Then you have the Prefect of the Camp and the Prefect of the Engineers in every legion, high equestrian officers (often promoted primipilares) and very senior members of the legionary legate's staff. Fleets and Auxiliary units also were commanded by prefects. Their respective rank was determined by the size of the unit (cohors quingenaria the lowest, ala the highest) and its status and significance (fleet prefects ranged from fairly low in the pecking order to very senior indeed - the Italian fleets were important).

Another biog problem is that prefectures are often very traditional positions and subject to a broad interpretation of their duties. we find Prefects of the Engineers (praefecti fabrum) who apparently functioned as judges, and the office of Praetorian Prefect ultimately morphed from bodyguard commander into a senior administrative oficial. By the third century, prefect also shows up in some cases when senatorial positions are filled with equestrians.

In general terms, a prefect in the military is always senior and will often be in charge of a specific unit, but there is no 'rank' of prefect. You're always the prefect 'of' something. It might be best to think of it as broadly analogous to 'CO' or 'skipper' in the navy - it's all important, but it still makes a big difference if you're captain of a minesweeper or captain of USS Abraham Lincoln.
Der Kessel ist voll Bärks!

Volker Bach

Messages In This Thread
Rank and duties of a Prefect - by Pict - 11-26-2008, 03:41 PM
Re: Rank and duties of a Prefect - by Alexandr K - 11-27-2008, 06:31 AM
Re: Rank and duties of a Prefect - by Pict - 11-27-2008, 02:57 PM
Re: Rank and duties of a Prefect - by Pict - 11-28-2008, 04:31 PM
Re: Rank and duties of a Prefect - by Carlton Bach - 11-29-2008, 12:47 PM
Re: Rank and duties of a Prefect - by Pict - 11-29-2008, 03:25 PM

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