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Aussies talking like Yanks ; say it ain\'t so !
just my own two cent here but english accents vary on region. and i dont mean English english but people who are raised to speak english.. UK, Australia, US, etc.. and in the US alone there are soooooo many variations you can hardly keep up with them. you can tell which state a person is from (or isnt from) by their accent.

Even though i was born and raised in the south i have a lot of friends from all over the world that i talk to on the phone, or went to school with. plus my husband, though he was born in New Hampshire, he can mimic nearly accent he hears. the funny part is he isnt doing it on purpose. if he's around my family long enough he'll talk like a southerner.. if he's around his family he's back to being from New Hampshire, his friends in Holland even have an effect on his accent lol he can even do a fairly accurate Irish Accent.
The only one he's truly bad at is English... i've banned him from trying to imitate a British accent because .. well... :roll: just think Dick Van Dyke in Marry Poppins.. :oops:

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Re: Aussies talking like Yanks ; say it ain\'t so ! - by Dogote - 09-22-2008, 03:40 PM

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