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Agricola\'s Army in Scotland and Mons Graupius questions?
I'm looking for some answers to questions on the first major Roman army that went into Scotland under Agricola. Most the info I have seen is just general or rehashed from Tacitus and they don't have the answers I'm looking for.

1) From the current evidence, were there many camp followers during the active marching campaign season in the summer that were traveling with the army?

2) What was the terrain of North eastern Scotland in the 1st century? Was it very wooded, or pretty much open like it is now?

3) Does anybody know which camp the 9th Legion was in when it was attacked or is that fully unknown/lost?

4) The 300-400 or so Roman troops killed at Mons Graupius,. now are those citizen troops that were killed or the grand total? The grand total includes the auxiliary soldiers of course.

Now if it was just the citizens that were counted, would they have been more from the cavalry units perhaps or does that show that the auxiliary had quite a few Roman citizens in there units?
OR... perhaps were SOME legionaries used in the battle or near the end for mopping up purposes at least?
I've been quite curious about this and I'd like to see other peoples take on it.

5) Now speaking of Mons Graupius, I know Bennachie is near the top of the list for where the battle took place, I've seen the area and it looks like a good choice...... BUT I'd like to know,.. the other battle sites that could be the other possibility's, are the camps any closer to the possible battlefield? I know at Durno near Bennachie, the camp is like 2-3 miles away from where the battle would have happened, but do any of the other sites around Scotland have a closer camp than the Bennachie site?

Thank you for your time!
Sean Marcum

Roma Victrix! 

Messages In This Thread
Agricola\'s Army in Scotland and Mons Graupius questions? - by Marcus Cassius LegioXIV - 05-24-2008, 03:57 AM

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