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Ancient Travellers and Bearers
There are several classical and Hellenistic depictions of baggage carriers with all manner of stuff strapped to their bodies (blanket/mattress rolls, shoulder bags, sacks, swords, waterskins, flasks etc.). That appears to have been the standard method for anything heavy and bulky back then.

Most travellers in civilised realms may well have made do with a bag for basic necessities and otherwise relied on money. Roman literature speaks of travelling Italy on foot, alone or in groups of friends, and the writers were certainly not poor. Wealthier people could (ands likely quickly would) use pack mules or pack slaves, carriages and carts.

In ancient art, a shoulder bag and walking stick are the standard symbol for the 'journey' of death, which indicates that (at least at one point) it must have been common gear for real travellers. The Commacchio bag is a good example for what these things could have looked like.
Der Kessel ist voll Bärks!

Volker Bach

Messages In This Thread
Ancient Travellers and Bearers - by Sean Manning - 04-15-2008, 07:55 PM
Re: Ancient Travellers and Bearers - by Decius - 04-15-2008, 08:04 PM
Re: Ancient Travellers and Bearers - by Carlton Bach - 04-16-2008, 07:28 AM

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