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Rome Total War Tactics - The NON-cheese variety
For enjoyment lets post of some strategies for RTW that people have found work well.

One rule though. Do not post anything that takes advantage of game mechanics or AI stupidity. Anyone who posts how they kick AI butt by placing their army in the back corner of the map at the red line so it cannot be flanked will get a resounding berated and beaten with a RTW manual. :lol:

One strategy I use quite often is a double scorpion formation. center of my line is held by light inexpensive troops. To each side of this is good quality heavy infantry. Even further out and angled to look inward is velite or similar skirmish troops. Finally cavalry goes beyond the skirmishers.

The light troops move forward and engage the enemy head on. Since you fight so many phalanx troops (at least I do since I love Illyrians, Pontis, and Bactria) I find that there is no point in good quality troops here. In fact troops that will be slowly forced back are the best.

At the same time the heavier troops on the flanks swing around the hit the flanks of the enemy formations.

The skirmishers run forward then inward to either throw at the rear of the enemy formations or skirmish with the 2nd wave with help of the cavalry.

The cavalry waits a few minutes then make a charge straight into the rear of the enemy force. This normally breaks enemy moral very quickly.

At this point the lighter troops are fast enough to chase down the fleeing troops while the heavy infantry re-aline to take on the second wave. Also the skirmishers come off skirmish role as they are often out of missles and they become the new wings and engage the flanks and rear of forces that the heavy infantry smash head on into.

If you try to keep the heavy infantry on the wings and have the skirmishers replace the light infantry you generally get slaughtered velites who do not hold the line long enough and everything just breaks down into a messy melee.
Timothy Hanna

Messages In This Thread
Rome Total War Tactics - The NON-cheese variety - by Timotheus - 03-14-2008, 11:24 PM

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