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New Corbridge B interpretation?
Does anyone have any more info on this- even (maybe) a copy of the paper? It was presented (I think) in Durham in March.<br>
Roman segmental articulated armour is known to have been in use from the 1st C AD (from the Augustan period) through to the mid to late 3rd C. Sculptural representations include Trajans column and grave stelae. The earliest finds of prototype lorica segmentata have been from Kalkriese, Germany dating to the time of the lost legions of Varus, while the final 3rd C development can be seen from the Newstead finds (AD 259-260). However, the largest one find of segmentata comes from Corbridge, being a collection, dating to the middle period of its use, of parts of various sets which can be divided into 2 basic types, A and B. This gives a developmental progression of types "Kalkriese", "Corbridge A", "Corbridge B", through to the final Newstead type.<br>
Reconstructing the lorica segmentata has been based on both sculptural and archaeological evidence, although the earliest artistic reconstructions, eg 1901 by Von Groller, were never tested by actual reconstruction. Later H Russell Robinson, an experienced armourer, after the discovery of the Corbridge hoard, pioneered reconstructed representations, testing the viability of previous theories, discounting some and eventually reaching a version which was as close as possible to what the original may have been.<br>
I have recently been re-assessing the Corbridge finds, noting a several features not present in the Russell Robinson reconstructions, which suggest possible alternative methods of construction, particularly in the case of the Corbridge B type. By comparing these Corbridge finds to the earliest evidence of segmentata from Kalkriese (9AD), and to finds from the time of the conquest of Britain (43AD), such as Chichester, Hod Hill, etc, it is possible to reconstruct this earliest prototype form. This then follows a progression of improvements and modifications through to its final 3rd C form. However, this prototype “Kalkrieseâ€ÂÂ

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New Corbridge B interpretation? - by Anonymous - 07-22-2004, 05:46 PM

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