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Questions regarding the Roman Republic
I have been researching the Roman civilization as a mad man due to a few boardgame designs on the subject... in other words I am far from being an expert which is what brings me here Smile

I have a few people already to consult, but expanding the wealth on knowledgde can only be a good thing

So I have a few questions which I have not yet found answers to, and perhaps some of you Rome buffs know the answers:

1. Often the Consuls and Preators were apointed some Legions as part of their office. However many times they would be at Rome rather than leading their men in batte. So my question is: When the consuls are in Rome are these spcific legions dispanded until needed, would they they still be campaigning without the Consul, or something else entirely?

2. After serving as Consuls and Preators these individuals would be appointed a province to Govern. Would all Governors be ex-magistrates or could others have such a task?

3. Economy. The economy of Rome has been described as a plunder economy - i.e. got lots of their wealth from defating and conquering enemies. But what about taxes? I know that in the mid-late republic tax farming was introduced but what about prior to that? Was it something like this: Governors were expected to pay money to Rome. The Governors would then collect this from the people? What about the plundered money - would that be transfered directly to Rome or would it rather go to the Governor who would then send some back to Rome as agreed upon?

4. Buildings: Who would decide what would be built and who would talke the credit? For instance if a building pleases the people, who would they be grateful to?

5. Who proposed new Laws? Was this the consuls, or was it influential senators? In other words did senators only propose laws by convincing the consul to put them forward or could they do this directly?

6. During the republic... Were there armies under the Command of someone else than Consuls or Preators?

More questions will arise as I'll get further into development but these will be good for now.


Messages In This Thread
Questions regarding the Roman Republic - by Patriarch - 01-13-2008, 10:20 PM

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