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Where was Valentia Province in Britannia ?
Quote:The term for horn in Old British was 'bannu' not 'cornu.' Also in Brittany there is a region called Cornualle, and this 'Cornwall is not horn-shaped in the slightest. Also the native version of the name Cornwall is Kernow, which fits well with the pronunciation of Cornovii as "Kornowee-ee."

Cornwall and Cornouaille are both late names, and links are today disregarded by several modern historians.

First mention of Cornwall dates from 705, when Aldhelm of Malmesbury wrote usque diram Domnonium per carentem Cornubiam, so first recorded form is 'Cornubia'. Pierre-Roland Giot stated from this that it is hard to understand why someone from Malmesbury would dislike Domnonia and likes Cornwall - so probably a proof of either continental Domnonia or Cornouailles.

In 931 we have Cornwallas and in the XIth century Cornwallia.

For Cornouaille in Brittany;
In the Annals of Flodoard, we have Britanniam in Cornu Galliam in 919, and in 931 Brittones in Cornu Galliam.
The Life of St Magloire from the same period gives desertum Cornugallium, Cornubia, in Armorica regionis, Domnoniae et Cornubiae.

There is also the town of Plouguerneau in North Finistère, which name comes from
Plebs Cerniu accordingly to Bernard Merdrignac.

About the Irish, there is no problem with having them raiding Britain or beeing settled here and there, as they had very capable leaders such as Niall of the Nine Hostages. However it makes sens that they were also used by the Romans and afterwards by the Britons as auxiliaries, just as the Germanics were.
"O niurt Ambrois ri Frangc ocus Brethan Letha."
"By the strenght of Ambrosius, king of the Franks and the Armorican Bretons."
Lebor Bretnach, Irish manuscript of the Historia Brittonum.
[Image: 955d308995.jpg]
Agraes / Morcant map Conmail / Benjamin Franckaert

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Re: Where was Valentia Province in Britannia ? - by Agraes - 12-29-2007, 03:19 PM

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