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Julian II (the Apostate) and his policies
I agree as well.

There are some problems during this campaigns which leave some open questions and can't really be answered.

First of all I want to say that Julian's campaign in Gaul as Caesar were quite good. People shouldn't underestimate it. Gaul was the target of frequent incursions for more than a century already! and Julian had quite limited forces at hand. A big number of troops probably was already in the east or with the emperor. or defending the Danubian frontier at that time. Compare his forces to the ones other commanders had when operating in this area. And he actually carried out a brilliant campaign defeating the Allemanni in battle and then surprising the Franks and others with a quick unexpected advance into their territory. Of course we have only one big battle but you don't always need such battles if you plan your campaign well. The way he fought this campaign was very "Caesarian" in style imho and had a lasting impact on the tribes as it proofed that the Romans were still capable even with a small force to bring the war the them and it showed once more the advantage of Roman organization. Something which had lacked during Constantius reign where the troops were mainly passive or split.

Julian was a very intelligent man, I don't think anyone could deny that and unlike many of his contemporaries knew Roman history very well.

As Vortigern said, he just continued the campaign in the east which his predecessor had already prepared for.

All went well on the way to Ctesiphon and they won an overwhelming victory at its gates. Now, the Romans didn't bring siege equipment with them. We know from other campaigns that it was necessary to bring it yourself because the area around Ctesiphon doesn't allow for building much of your own and a long siege is not possible because of the conditions.

The question here is: What was Julian's plan then?

Maybe he wanted to do something different from what Traian and Severus did? Mesopotamia always caused more problems then it was worth and the previous Roman campaigns against the east had actually achieved little to nothing except gaining some lands which were lost quite quickly again. Sometimes the losses were quite bad. Severus and Traian's failure at Hatra had cost more men then necessary, the conquered areas had to be given up or where lost under horrible losses. I'm not talking of big battles here but many of the garrisons fell sooner or later and each cost many men, that makes quite an amount in the end.

So, I've been studying Julian's writings and his actions quite a bit to get a better guess at how he thought. 2nd is a look at what happened during the campaign and what is mentioned and 3rd is a little "what has happened in the past and what would I have done if I were in his position"

My point here is, as I said before, that most of the previous campaigns, although successful in taking the enemies capitol didn't change much in the end. They had shown that taking that area didn't weaken the Sasanides enough for the Romans to hold this area. The siege-train always slowed the advance and gave the enemy just more targets to attack.

So what was the plan?

A smaller army was to secure the boarder and then enter Armenia and link up with Armenian forces, while Julian took the main body south. This was a precaution so that no Sasanide forces could enter Roman provinces unopposed to force Julian to retreat. Once he was in enemy territory and it was sure the enemy would concentrate his forces in this area, the smaller force was to join the Armenians and head south to meet Julian.

Here is problem no1: They didn't do what they were ordered! So this is hardly his mistake at all.

Question 2:

why didn't he bring siege equipment?

He could have transported it on the ships he brought with him, already a big advantage over land transport like Antonius had done and it wouldn't have been much extra work or anything.

MY answer: It was never his plan to take the town!

Let me explain:

He didn't want to besiege the bigger towns and waste time. The plan looks much more like he wanted to be fast and by this be able to catch and fight the Sasanide army before they could burn everything and evade action. And that's what he actually achieved. The Romans were even TOO fast for the Persians because Shapur was not able to unite his 2 armies, which gave Julian the opportunity to defeat the smaller army first.

Shapur wanted to give battle, the king of kings could not accept such a defeat in his own country.

The plan seems to have been, that by now Procopius should be meeting Julian's army bringing along his troops and the Armenians. This would have provided Julian with an army about equal to the one of Shapur. and the Romans had the advantage of an undefeated army which had already beaten one of the Sasanide armies.

Such a victory would have secured the eastern provinces much longer than plundering one town without defeating the enemy's main army.

Now about the provisions: they obviously had enough and had taken great care. Julian's plan was to even move further south along the river. His generals insisted on going back home. So he had to do that.

To me it looks like he still had his plan in mind and just made a compromise here:

Procopius didn't show up, the generals wanted to return home. This would have made the whole campaign useless and a waste of money with no profit as the Sasanide forces were still strong.

The way back not along the Euphrat but along the Tigris now gave the option to somehow maybe still achieve a victory. If Procopius and the Armenians were going to march south they could meet somewhere there and return towards Armenia and maybe offer battle with united forces if Shapur followed. If, which was likely, Procopius did NOT come at all, Julian needed more soldiers. So decision was made to burn the ships and by this getting around 20.000 more troops for a battle. The danger was of course that there were less provisions but the villages and less defended towns along the Tigris would have offered some possibilities there and as I said before, if my messengers Procopius could still be convinced to move south a meeting along the Tigris would have been faster to achieve.

My guess is that the biggest problem during the campaign were the generals on Julian's side because it seems they were quite afraid and didn't want to take any risks.

Procopius not following his orders and staying safe in the North, and the generals following older ideas of reaching Ctesiphon and then returning home. They even advised Julian not to accept battle at Ctesiphon because they thought they'd lose against the Persian army there! Julian insisted on the battle and it was an overwhelming victory.

To me it seems that what I described above was Julian's plan. NOT the plundering of Ctesiphon which had proved to be useless before. A surprise attack and battle against Shapur would have fitted perfectly into his previous patterns and would have had a much longer lasting effect.

It's a risky plan but on the other hand much more effective. It's quite similar to his campaigns in Gaul, where he used speed and surprise (like campaigning out of season and such things). He showed the same concept when he marched against Constantius where he was advancing very quickly and could have cut off Constantius from Constantinople and Greece.

I know the campaign failed BUT it was very well planned and we don't know what would have happened had Julian's plans been carried out. A defeat of Shapur's army (something the Romans had avoided for quite some time) would have secured the eastern boarder for many years.

In the eyes of his contemporaries this would have made him probably even bigger than Traian. Taking out the Alemanni, Franks and Sasanides withing a few years and securing all the boarders would have given him the opportunity to carry out his economic reforms in a way other emperors during his time could not because he would have restored the pax romana in a way it hasn't been since the Severans. Well this is all "what if" but imho the plan described above was his actual plan and it would have given the empire a new stability and him a very secure position.


[Micha F.]

Messages In This Thread
Julian ( the apostate ) - by Paullus Scipio - 06-30-2007, 09:03 PM
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come come Severus - by Goffredo - 07-03-2007, 09:16 AM
come now - by Goffredo - 07-04-2007, 08:11 AM
Re: Julian II (the Apostate) and his policies - by L C Cinna - 08-07-2007, 10:07 AM
No big battle at Ctesiphon? - by Natuspardo - 08-07-2007, 09:39 PM

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