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Books on ancient Sparta
* Hamilton, Charles D. "Lysander, Agesilaus, Spartan Imperialism and the Greeks of Asia Minor" AncW 23.1 (1992) 35-50 -+-
* Wallinga, H.T. "Bellum Spartacium: Florus' Text and Spartacus' Objective" Athenaeum 80[70].1 (1992) 25-44 -+-
* David, Ephraim "Sparta's social hair" Eranos 90.1 (1992) 11-21 -+-
* Kennell, Nigel M. "IG V 1, 16 and the Gerousia of Roman Sparta" Hesperia 61.2 (1992) 193 -+-
* Hammond, N.G.L. "Plataea's Relations with Thebes, Sparta, and Athens" JHS 112 (1992) 143 -+-
* Robinson, Eric W. "Oracles and Spartan Religious Scruples" LCM 17.9 (1992) 131-132 -+-
* Kennell, Nigel M. "The Spartan Synarchia" Phoenix 46.4 (1992) 342-351 -+-
* Vannicelli, Pietro "Gli Egidi e le relazioni tra Sparta e Cirene in eta arcaica" QUCC 41 (1992) 55-73 -+-
* Crane, Gregory "The Fear and Pursuit of Risk: Corinth on Athens, Sparta and the Peloponnesians (Thuc. 1.68-71, 120-21)" TAPhA 122 (1992) 227-256 -+-
* West, M.L. "Alcman and the Spartan Royalty" ZPE 91 (1992) 1 -+-
* Kukofka, D.-A. "Die paidiskoi im System der spartanischen Altersklassen" AAntHung 34.1/4 (1993) 69-76 -+-
* Waywell, G.B.; Wilkes, J.J.; Bailey, Donald M.; Sanders, G.D.R. "Excavations at Sparta: the Roman Stoa, 1988-91: Preliminary Report, Part 1" ABSA 88 (1993) 219-286, pl. 23-26 -+-
* Cawkwell, G.L. "Sparta and Her Allies in the Sixth Century" CQ 43.2 (1993) 364 -+-
* Ephraim, David "Hunting in Spartan Society and Consciousness" EMC 12.3 (1993) 393-413 -+-
* Flaig, Egon "Die spartanische Abstimmung nach der Lautstarke. Uberlegungen zu Thukydides 1,87" Historia 42.2 (1993) 139 -+-
* Parker, Victor "Some Dates in Early Spartan History" Klio 75 (1993) 45-60 -+-
* Dettenhofer, Maria H. "Die Frauen von Sparta: Gesellschaftliche Position und politische Relevanz" Klio 75 (1993) 61-75 -+-
* Guarino, Antonio "Spartaco e Bonghi" Labeo 39.2 (1993) 257-258 -+-
* Kukofka, Dirk-Achim "Die Paidiskoi im System der spartanischen Alterklassen" Philologus 137.2 (1993) 197-205 -+-
* Semenchenko, L.V. "On a Document of Hellenistic Diplomacy: a Letter of High Priest Jonathan to Sparta [in Russian]" VDI 205 (1993) 105 -+-
* Pechatnova, L.G. "Hypomeiones and Mothaces (Structure of Sparta's Civic Community) [in Russian]" VDI 206 (1993) 100 -+-
* Bleckmann, B. "Sparta und seine Freunde im Dekeleischen Krieg. Zur Datierung von IG V 1,1" ZPE 96 (1993) 297-308 -+-
* Catling, R.W.V. "A fragment of an archaic temple model from Artemis Orthia, Sparta" ABSA 89 (1994) 269-275 -+-
* Waywell, G.B.; Wilkes, J.J. "Excavations at Sparta: the Roman stoa 1988-91. Part 2 (with a contribution by N. Fradgley)" ABSA 89 (1994) 377-432 -+-
* Spawforth, A.J.S. "Excavations at Sparta: the Roman stoa 1988-91. The inscriptions" ABSA 89 (1994) 433-441 -+-
* Plant, I.M. "The Battle of Tanagra: A Spartan Initiative?" Historia 43.3 (1994) 259 -+-
* Falkner, Caroline "A Note on Sparta and Gytheum in the Fifth Century" Historia 43.4 (1994) 495 -+-
* Ogden, D. "Crooked speech: the genesis of the Spartan rhetra" JHS 114 (1994) 85 -+-
* Jordens, A.; Becht-Jordens, G. "Ein Eberunterkiefer als 'Staatssymbol' des Aitolischen Bundes (IG XII 2, 15). Politische Identitatssuche im Mythos nach dem Ende der spartanischen Hegemonie" Klio 76 (1994) 172-184 -+-
* Hamilton, Charles D. "Thebes and Sparta in the fourth century: Agesilaus' Theban obsession" Ktema 19 (1994) 239-258 -+-
* Pendergraft, Mary; Hartigan, Karelisa "Naming the Figures; A Controversial Stele in the Spartan Museum" Maia 46.3 (1994) 283-290 -+-
* Bernini, Ughetto "'Marginalia' al 'Preface' a The Spartan Army di J. F. Lazenby" QUCC 47 (1994) 157-166 -+-
* Weber, Berthold F. "Ein spartarchaischer Tempel auf dem Mengerevtepe bei Milet" AA 1995.2 (1995) 228-38 -+-
* Shipley, Graham; Spawforth, Antony "New imperial subscripts to the Spartans" ABSA 90 (1995) 429-434, pl. 43 -+-
* Waywell, G.B.; Wilkes, J.J.; Powell, A.D.; Fradgley, Nigel; Hayes, J.W.; Sanders, G.D.R.; Walker, S.E.C. "Excavations at the ancient theatre of Sparta 1992-4: preliminary report" ABSA 90 (1995) 435-460, pl. 44-49 -+-
* Meadows, A.R. "Pausanias and the historiography of Classical Sparta" CQ 45.1 (1995) 92 -+-
* Vickers, M. "Alcibiades at Sparta: Aristophanes Birds" CQ 45.2 (1995) 339 -+-
* Pantelia, Maria C. "Theocritus at Sparta: Homeric Allusions in Theocritus' Idyll 18" Hermes 123.1 (1995) 76 -+-
* Pridemore, M. G. "A re-examination of a ship on an ivory plaque from Sparta" IJNA 24.2 (1995) 161 -+- texts (restricted) for vols 22 on
* Moscati Castelnuovo, Luisa "Sparta e le tradizioni crotoniati e locresi sulla battaglia della Sagra" QUCC 51 (1995) 141-163 -+-
* Huys, Marc "The Spartan Practice of Selective Infanticide and its Parallels in Ancient Utopian Tradition" AncSoc 27 (1996) 47-74 -+-
* Hamilton, Charles D. "The Ideology of Spartan Conservatism" AncW 27.2 (1996) 147-155 -+-
* Clark, Christina A. "The Gendering of the Body in Alcman's Partheneion 1: Narrative, Sex, and Social Order in Archaic Sparta" Helios 23.2 (1996) 143-172 -+-
* Hammond, Nicholas G.L. "Sparta at Thermopylae" Historia 45.1 (1996) 1-20 -+-
* Falkner, C. "Sparta and the Elean War, ca 401/400 B.C.: Revenge or Imperialism?" Phoenix 50.1 (1996) 17-25 -+- abstract
* Musti, Domenico "Regole politiche a Sparta: Tirteo e la Grande Rhetra" RFIC 124.3 (1996) 257-281 -+-
* Quiller, Bjorn "Reconstructing the Spartan Partheniai: Many Guesses and a Few Facts" SO 71 (1996) 34-41 -+-
* Kurilov, M.E. "On Some Functional Peculiarities of the Institution of Spartan Heralds [in Russian]" VDI 219 (1996) 133-141 -+-
* Crowther, Charles "Inscriptions from the Sparta and Larissa museums" ABSA 92 (1997) 345-358 -+-
* Waywell, G.B.; Wilkes, J.J.; Bland, Roger; Sidell, E. Jane; Wilkinson, Keith N.; Chandler, Graham M. "Excavations at Sparta: the Roman Stoa, 1988-91. Part 3" ABSA 92 (1997) 401-434, pl. 60-68 -+-
* Fornis, C.; Casillas, J.-M. "An appreciation of the social function of the Spartan syssitia" AHB 11.2/3 (1997) 37-46 -+-
* Peek, Philip S. "Spartan and Argive Motivation in Thucydides 5.22.2" AJPh 118.3 (1997) 363-370 -+- toc and texts (restricted)
* Sirano, Francesco "Fuori da Sparta. Note di topografia lacone: Recenti studi e nuovi dati dal territorio" ASAA 74-75 (1996-1997 [2000]) 397-465 -+-
* Urso, Gianpaolo "La morte di Archita e l'alleanza fra Taranto e Archidamo di Sparta (345 a.C.)" Aevum 71.1 (1997) 63-70 -+-
* Hopkins, Lisa "Spartan boys: John Ford and Philip Sidney" CML 17.3 (1997) 217-229 -+-
* Welwei, Karl-Wilhelm "Apella oder Ekklesia? Zur Bezeichnung der spartanischen Volksversammlung" RhM 140.3/4 (1997) 242-249 -+-
* Bremmer, J.N. "Myth as Propaganda: Athens and Sparta" ZPE 117 (1997) 9-17 -+- texts (PDF) for issue
* Steinhauer, George "Unpublished lists of gerontes and magistrates of Roman Sparta" ABSA 93 (1998) 427-447, pl. 71-78 -+-
* Bilik Ronald "Hippias von Elis als Quelle von Diodors Bericht uber den elisch- spartanischen Krieg?" AncSoc 29 (1998/99) 21-47 -+-
* Miller, Dean A. "The Spartan Kingship: Some Extended Notes on Complex Duality" Arethusa 31.1 (1998) 1-18 -+- toc and texts (restricted)
* Hermann-Otto, Elisabeth "Verfassung und Gesellschaft Spartas in der Kritik des Aristoteles" Historia 47.1 (1998) 18-40 -+-
* Rebenich, Stefan "Fremdenfeindlichkeit in Sparta? Uberlegungen zur Tradition der spartanischen Xenelasie" Klio 80.2 (1998) 336-359 -+-
* Roy, James "Thucydides 5.49.1-50.4: The Quarrel between Elis and Sparta in 420 B.C., and Elis' Exploitation of Olympia" Klio 80.2 (1998) 360-368 -+-
* Riccardi, Lee Ann "The Mutilation of the Bronze Severan Empress from Sparta: 'Damnatio Memoriae' or Christian Iconoclasm?" MDAI(A) 113 (1998) 259-269 -+-
* Constantinidou, Soteroula "Dionysiac Elements in Spartan Cult Dances" Phoenix 52.1-2 (1998) 15-30 -+-
* Waywell, G.B.; Wilkes, J.J. "Excavations at the ancient theatre of Sparta 1995-1998: preliminary report" ABSA 94 (1999) 437-455, pl. 46-61 -+-
* Alonso Troncoso, Victor "395-390/89 a.C., Atenas contra Esparta: ?de que guerra hablamos?" Athenaeum 87.1 (1999) 57-77 -+-
* Falkner, Caroline "Sparta's Colony at Herakleia Trachinia and Spartan Strategy in 426" EMC 18.1 (1999) 45-58 -+- abstracts for issue
* Rhodes, P.J. "Sparta, Thebes and 'autonomia'" Eirene 35 (1999) 33-40 -+-
* Falkner, Caroline "Sparta and Lepreon in the Archidamian War (Thuc. 5.31.2-5)" Historia 48.4 (1999) 385-394 -+-
* James, Peter "Soil Variability in the Area of an Archaeological Site near Sparta, Greece" JArchSc 26.10 (1999) 1273-1288 -+- abstracts and texts (restricted) from vol 20 on
* Smarczyk, Bernhard "Einige Bemerkungen zur Datierung der Beitrage zu Spartas Kriegskasse in IG V, 11" Klio 81.1 (1999) 45-67 -+-
* Thommen, Lukas "Spartanische Frauen" MH 56.3 (1999) 129-149 -+-
* Link, Stefan "Der geliebte Burger. Paideia und paidika in Sparta und auf Kreta" Philologus 143.1 (1999) 3-25 -+-
* Falkner, Caroline "Astyochus, Sparta's Incompetent Navarch?" Phoenix 53.3/4 (1999) 206-221 -+-
* Galvagno, Emilio "Sparta, l'Occidente e Cartagine" RSA 29 (1999) 27-50 -+-
* Toher, Mark "On the eidolon of a Spartan King" RhM 142.2 (1999) 113-127 -+-
* Shipley, Graham "The extent of Spartan territory in the late Classical and Hellenistic periods" ABSA 95 (2000) 367-390 -+-
* Bloedow, E.F. "Why did Sparta rebuff the Athenians at Ithome in 462 BC?" AHB 14.3 (2000) 89-101 -+-
* Geoffrey Waywell "Sparta and its topography" BICS 43 (1999) 1-26 -+-
* Cartledge, Paul "Spartan Justice? or The State of the Ephors?" Dike 3 (2000) 5-26 -+-
* Thommen, Lukas "Spartas fehlende Lokalgeschichte" Gymnasium 107.5 (2000) 399-408 -+-
* Thommen, Lukas "Spartas Umgang mit der Vergangenheit" Historia 49.1 (2000) 40-53 -+-
* Thommen, Lukas "Spartas Umgang mit der Vergangenheit" Historia 49.1 (2000) 40-53 -+-
* Hornblower, Simon "Thucydides, Xenophon, and Lichas: Were the Spartans Excluded from the Olympic Games from 420 to 400 B.C.?" Phoenix 54.3/4 (2000) 212 -+-
* Cassio, Albio Caesare "Un epigramma votivo spartano per Atena Alea" RFIC 128.2 (2000) 129-134 -+-
* Cuniberti, Gianluca "Lakedaimonion Politeia: priorita e originalita nel dibattito sulle politeiai-modello di Sparta e Creta" SIFC 18.1 (2000) 99-111 -+-
* Bloedow, E.F. "Spartan Naval Command: From Secretary to 'Vice-Admiral'" Scholia 9 (2000) 12-19 -+-
* Lacy, R.M. "The Application of the Concept of Revolution to the Reform of Agis, Cleomenes and Nabis at Sparta [in Russian]" VDI 235 (2000) 79-85 -+-
* Meier, Mischal "Zwischen Konigen und Damos. Uberlegungen zur Funktion und Entwicklung des Ephorats in Sparta (7.-4. Jh. v. Chr.)" ZRG 117 (2000) 43-102 -+-
* Kourinou Pikoula, Eleni "The bronze portrait statue NM 23321 from Sparta" ABSA 96 (2001) 425-429, pl. 26-30 -+-
* Bassett, S. "The enigma of Clearchus the Spartan" AHB 15.1/2 (2001) 1-13 -+-
* Millender, Ellen "Spartan Literacy Revisited" ClAnt 20.1 (2001) 121-64 -+-
* Taita, Julia "Indovini stranieri al servizio dello stato spartano. Un' 'epoikia' elea a Sparta in una nuova iscrizione da Olimpia" Dike 4 (2001) 39-85 -+-
* Piccinin, Pierre "Le dionysisme dans le Bellum Spartacium" PP 56.4 (2001) 272-296 -+-
* Kosmetatou, Elizabeth "Some Remarks on a Severan Dynastic Group Monument from Sparta" RSA 31 (2001) 201-209 -+-
* Edelman, Robert "A Small Way of Saying 'No': Moscow Working Men, Spartak Soccer, and the Communist Party, 1900-1945" AHR 107.5 (2002) 1441- -+-
* Luginbill, Robert D. "Tyrtaeus 12 West: Come Join the Spartan Army" CQ 52.2 (2002) 405-414 -+- toc with texts (restricted)
* Sabbi, Anna "Eschilo e le sconfitte degli Argivi da parte degli Spartani a Sepia e a Tegea" RSA 32 (2002) 99-103 -+-
* Zaikov, A.V. "Epimenides in Sparta (The Cretan Ecstatic Mantics and the Genesis of the 'Spartan Cosmos') [in Russian]" VDI 243 (2002) 110-130 -+-
* Figueira, Thomas J. "Xenelasia and Social Control in Classical Sparta" CQ 53.1 (2003) 44-74 -+- toc with texts (restricted)
* Parker, Victor "Sparta, Amyntas, and the Olynthians in 383 B.C. A Comparison of Xenophon and Diodorus" RhM 146.2 (2003) 113-137 -+-
* Cartledge, Paul "What have the Spartans done for us? Sparta's contribution to western civilization " G&R 51.2 (2004) 164-79 -+-
* Link, Stefan "Die Ehrenrechte des spartanischen Konigs" Philologus 148.2 (2004) 222-244 -+-
* Yates, David C. "The Archaic Treaties between the Spartans and their Allies" CQ 55.1 (2005) 65-76 -+-
* Whitehead, David "Ephorus(?) on the Spartan Constitution" CQ 55.1 (2005) 299-301 -+-
* Morgan, Llewelyn "Spartan Tarentum? Resisting Decline In Odes 3.51" CQ 55.1 (2005) 320-323 -+-
* Bertelli, Lucio "La Sparta di Aristotele: un ambiguo paradigma o la crisi di un modello?" RSA 34 (2004) 9-71 -+-
* Parmeggiani, Giovanni "Isotimia? Considerazioni sulla storia e sulla storiografia su Sparta in eta arcaica e classica" RSA 34 (2004) 73-127 -+-
* Cartledge, Paul "What have the Spartans done for us? Sparta's Contribution to Western +Civilisation" RSA 34 (2004) 129-146 -+-
* Vattuone, Riccardo "Eros a Sparta: un' istituzione? Altre riflessioni per una storia dell' erotica greca" RSA 34 (2004) 207-229 -+-
* Bearzot, Cinzia "Ateniesi e spartani reciproci salvatori: Un topos tra retorica e storiografia" ACD 40/41 (2004-2005) 17-32 -+-
* Baloglou, Christos P. "The institutions of ancient Sparta in the works of Pletho" A&A 51 (2005) 137-149 -+-
* Palagia, Olga "Art and Royalty in Sparta of the 3rd Century B.C." Hesperia 75.2 (2006) 205-217 -+-
* Christensen, Paul "Xenophon’s Cyropaedia and Military Reform in Sparta" JHS 126 (2006) 47-65 -+-
Ioannis Georganas, PhD
Secretary and Newsletter Editor
The Society of Ancient Military Historians


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Books on ancient Sparta - by Matt15 - 04-26-2007, 08:29 PM
Re: Books on ancient Sparta - by Geoffrey - 04-26-2007, 08:46 PM
Re: Books on ancient Sparta - by Arthes - 04-26-2007, 09:12 PM
Re: Books on ancient Sparta - by Ioannis - 04-26-2007, 09:21 PM
Re: Books on ancient Sparta - by Arthes - 04-26-2007, 09:59 PM
Re: Books on ancient Sparta - by Matt15 - 04-27-2007, 03:19 AM
Books on Sparta - by Paullus Scipio - 05-06-2007, 11:18 AM
Re: Books on ancient Sparta - by D B Campbell - 05-06-2007, 09:34 PM
Re: Books on ancient Sparta - by Ioannis - 05-06-2007, 10:23 PM
Re: Books on ancient Sparta - by Robert Vermaat - 05-07-2007, 07:19 PM
Re: Books on ancient Sparta - by Tarbicus - 05-07-2007, 07:20 PM
Re: Books on ancient Sparta - by Robert Vermaat - 05-07-2007, 07:29 PM
Re: Books on ancient Sparta - by S SEVERUS - 05-08-2007, 06:49 PM

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