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what was the function of the Roman cavalry?
Thanks for all the replies! This is what I made from it, (translated from the Dutch, so grammar "tips and hints" aren't necessary) :wink:

Well we have given you a lot of information, but the most important is, of course, what was the function of Roman cavalry and how important was Roman cavalry? First of all: the function of Roman cavalry. If we just look back to the construction of a legion, we see that the part of cavalry is extremely low. 5000 Man infantry against 120 man cavalry.

That comes from the fact that Romans weren't very good horsemen themselves. That also explains why almost all cavalry belonged to the Auxilia.

The function of the cavalry wasn't that large. The cavalry that belongs to the legions functioned as scouting. they were sent forward to the infantry to explore the terrain. At the battlefield they were used as "messengers". they were also used as the Romans defeated the enemy to chase down defeated enemies.

The cavalry that belonged to the auxilia was used as some sort of shield.
They formed a protecting wing formation around the army.

In fact, the roman cavalry wasn't that important in battlefield. they were only used as messengers and shield. They were seldom used to attack the army of the enemy. (forgive me my English, its a bit "weird" sometimes)

Maybe it's nice to tell what I'm doing. I attend "de middelbare school" which is -I think- similar to hi-school. The school year before the exams we all have to make a "profielwerkstuk". It's a presentation, film, science practicum or whatever about a chosen subject. My partner and I chose "de ontwikeling van het paard in de loop der tijd" which means something like: The development of the horse in time/history. I'm now working on the chapter horses in world history->horse in the army. so that's why I asked this question. *just some background information*

Messages In This Thread
Re: what was the function of the Roman cavalry? - by S AUFIDIUS - 03-30-2007, 01:51 PM
Re: what was the function of the Roman cavalry? - by Juul - 03-30-2007, 05:21 PM
overrunning - by Goffredo - 04-02-2007, 02:03 PM
Re: overrunning - by Robert Vermaat - 04-02-2007, 02:14 PM
Re: overrunning - by Aryaman2 - 04-02-2007, 06:22 PM

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