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I carry out studies of Treveri tribe
the Vangione were from Hassen region, West Germany. Cohors Primae Vangionum (milliaria-one thousand strong) were stationed in Britain, on Hadrians Wall/Northumberland and some possibly settled here on retirement...

The Treveri tribal capital, Colonia Augusta Treverorum (Trier, Germany), was also the site of a Roman colony, and the provincial capital of Belgica itself. One of the Treveri Goddesses was known as Pritona or Ritona....
The Volcae Tectosages (possibly meaning River People), were based in the Languedoc area of France with their capital at Toulouse...on the west side of the Herault river..

A little information on them here

Cotini, Celts from Western Europe who settled in Moravia, Slovakia from 300BCE to 100CE. They were moved to Pannonia during the Marcomannic Wars of the late 2nd century CE.
They extracted iron ore in northern Slovakia in the 1st century AD .They are mentioned by Roman sources e.g. in 10 B.C. (Tusculan Elogium ), in the 1st century ( Tacitus) and the 2nd century (Marcomannic Wars
from: ... rmans.html
Here is one of their coins
An interesting little snippet of information from this page about Dacian metallurgic art.... ... /26_02.htm
[2. In later legends about the Argonauts, the territory where Aietes had his residence was also called Cytaea, or Cutaea (Cutaies gaia. Apollonius Rhodius, IV. 511); Cytaea terra (Valerius Flaccus, VI. 693); Cytaeis (Stephanos Byzanthinos, see Kyta). The same population, mentioned by Ptolemy by the name of Kotensioi, had their dwellings on Dacia’s territory, in the lower parts of the river Siret. In the province of Moesia Superiore (to which had been attributed in later times of the empire also the eastern parts of Dacia) we find Cives Cotini written on a Roman inscription (C.I.L.VI. nr.2831) (Mommsen). We find even today in Moldova the family name Cotin (Sezatoarea, Falticeni, AN. II. p. 14). In the parts of the rivers Siret and Buzau there still exists a topographic name analogous to the old form Cutaies: it is a significant mountain, close to Colti, on the territory of Paltineni village, called Catias. There is a stream Catias as well, and a village Catias, situated south-west of the village of Colti; and near the mouth of the river Siret we have the lake Catusa, while Catieseni is the name of a group of indigenous people from the village Paltineni].
According to Tacitus,
43. The rear of the Marcommani and Quadi is shut in by the Marsigni, Cotini, Osi and Buri. Of these, the Marsigni and Buri, in language and mode of life, recall the Suebi. The Cotini and Osi are not Germans; that is proved by their languages, Gallic in the one case, Pannonian in the other, and also by the fact that they submit to paying tribute. Part of the tribute is levied by the Sarmatians, part by the Quadi, who regard them as men of foreign blood; the Cotini, more to their shame, have iron to mine. All these people are settled in country with little plain, but plenty of uplands, mountain peaks and high ground.

As we mentioned earlier, it was the Celtic Catini in the Dacian who did the mining and metal-work. (Tacitus writes about relatives who lived in the Gömör mining-area: "to their shame, dig for iron ore...") We do not lack data about the mining areas Ampelum and the vicinity of Alburnus Maior in the days of hegemony. Without exception, the miners were relocated Dalmacia: Pirustae, Baridustae, Sardeasi - along with people Asia-Minor and those who did forced-labor. The Dalmatians lived tribal communities under a ruling prince and a tribal chief. (Pirustarum, etc.). There are no Celt Kotini among them.
from: ... roman-rule
A page you may find interesting....
Hope that helps a little....I don't know what you already know.... :wink:
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Re: I carry out studies of Treveri tribe - by Arthes - 12-31-2006, 03:59 AM

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