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1/72 scale Roman miniatures
Hello all, new guy here.<br>
One of my Roman hobbies is painting various 1/72 scale plastic soldiers, I thought ya'll might like to see 'em.<br>
I've posted this thread around a few places, and for the sake of time I really haven't edited anything below. My english spelling is bad, and some of my memory on latin names were worse, and this is the first place I'm posting that people will REALLY notice that.<br>
Read my background on the "new guy" thread, and go easy on me!<br>
Image hosting is by "webshots" which is being problamatic lately. If pics don't load, links are on the bottom. If links don't directly work, copy/paste into the browser window. They ARE there to be seen.<br>
I'm really curious to see what you real experts think of my work. I'm also curious to see if Dan Peterson will comment, I remember reading on a 1/72 scale soldier site he contributed to that he has made 2 legions worth of these things for his museum.<br>
Anyhoo, thats my disclaimer, and so begins the post...<br>
Paint used is Accrylic (sp?), finished with a coat of "blackwash" (just some of my black paint watered down so the pigment is very lightly dispersed into low lying ares of the figures) and then sealed with some aresol stuff (2 coats of it. Accrylic's biggest disatvantage is it peels, and given the fact that HOURS go into these things, I'd like to preserve 'em) The 54mm lead figure took 3-4 hours.<br>
I estimate each figure represents 15-20 minuites of mantime each, and are mass produced. (one box at a time, similar colors go on at same time, ect.)<br>
I currently have aprox. 150-160 figures completed, including 17 mounted figures (add the horse to the paint time...) They're on the bookshelf next to me now arrayed in a single line of men about 3 deep until the left flank where the cavalry are charging. The whole line is defending my alarm clock and General Patton's jeep, and stretches for 2 1/2 feet. Its an impressive site, I wish I had a good digital camera to show you. I'll borrow my dad's one of these days.<br>
The figures are made by several manufacturers. The standard "imperial" Romans in segmented armor are made by an out of business manufacturer called "ESCI." The republican troops and cavalry are by Italeri, and a few "unique" type troops (a few generals, standard berrers, trumpeters, mounted officers) come from "HaT" production of "Republican Roman Command" set. I can point out exactly what is what, but unless you're interested in taking up the hobby or comparing stuff thats out there, its not too important.<br>
I am currently working on a set of Italeri Celtic warriors, which will be followed by some HaT Samnites, followed by some Italeri Gallic Cavalry. In there I'll gradually be adding even more Romans, including some of another flavor all together (Airifix or something like that, the set isn't as accurate in sculpture as the others, but is ok. I'll probably make 'em into Praetorian guards or something. With the boxes I have are 2 charriots, which I'll use to make a triumph scene.) Other than that, I'd like to add some Greek stuff (which is its own thing, or Roman as well).<br>
Finally, I'd like to share an anicdote. On showing my father this battle line a few months ago (when it was only half its current size) and he said "Bill, you need a girlfriend." I agree with him wholeheartedly, and I am working on that. My point is, when you look at these, realize that I work 25-30 hours a week, go to college full time as well, and have a fairly healthy (fairly meaning currently lacking a girlfriend) social life. I'm not some weird kid who...well, yes I am. Never mind.<br>
(one final note, I will try to write the latin names of the different units from memory, forgive my mistakes.)<br>
First 2 pics are the old pics I have previously posted. Note the scale on the one.<br>
Top row, left to right: Centurion in scale armor, attacking Optio (standard soldiers from this set not cooperative with flat bed scanner, they're similar to this figure who should be thrusting with his short sword), Signifer, mounted Legate (or General. On very close examination this figure is supposed to represent Caesar), Cornicion (trumpeter, I butchered the word...phonetical spelling of latin is fairly easy, but I just forget the word), and a tribune.<br>
Bottom row: (Imperial era Romans with Lorica Segmentata, or segmented armor) Centurion with in house enlarged crest on helmet, attacking legionare (again, should be thrusting with his gladius), an archer (Romans didn't have regular archers, this fellow would be an auxillery and be wearing chain mail aromr. The best I could do was give him a bronze helmet), and three more legionares.<br>
<img src=""><br>
<img src=""><br>
Those are the old ones, new ones are better IMO. The new Imperial legions have more detail that I went ahead and pained on, including bronze fittings on helmets and armor.<br>
Ok, Top row: Tribune/Legate (take your pick), 2 signifers (note alternate metals used in greaves [shin guards] and standards), Centurion, again with in house enlarged crest, Optio with similar crest work, only turned 90 degrees to be correct for rank (crest color is an alternating red and white, and looks really neat IMO. A disatvantage of a flat scanner), and a crouched legionare.<br>
Second Row: Archer, see notes above, 3 attacking legionaries, and a bonus! A preview of a nekkid Celtic warrior with woad tattoos!<br>
Third Row: the 3 cavalry poses showing one with a spear, 2 with swords. One pose carries no shield, the other two have either round or oval shields, both shown. Note laurel wreath motif on shield (that was a pain in the ass)<br>
Bottom Row: "Hat Roman Command add ons" to existing figure sets. These ones here go with the blue ones above, but similar ones will go with the new figures too. (colors will vary) First we have an Aquifiler, who carries the standard of the post Punic war legion, an Eagle. Next is another corniceron, or trumpeter, a Villexium? (gotta look this one up...) Ok, I think what I was spelling is the name for the flag, the berrer of this standard is a "Vexillarius." These banners were used to identify detatchments from more "standard" groups, and another Legate or Tribune.<br>
<img src=""><br>
<img src=""><br>
Finally, we have a 54mm tall lead Centurion from, made in Russia. The detail on this figure is INCREDABLE. He wears a type "D" Italic helmet (that'll mean something to reinactor types. Its hard to see on the scan, but the temples and eagles ARE on that helmet distinctly. And yes, I had to cheat and look up the specific helmet type.) He has scale armor, a double belt for his gladius and pugio (dagger). On his chest on a harness are his decorrations called...(cheating) phalerae. On the top of the harness are gold "torques" which were worn by Celtic warriors and were prized by soldiers as trophies. Perhaps the ones worn here had an actual "award" associated with them. Note the green scarf worn to keep armor from chafing the neck. (I read somewhere that green was the only color known to have been worn in that scarf. If you look at the new Imperial Romans up above, you'll see they have 'em too.)<br>
<img src=""><br>
Thats about all I got. In a bit, I'll post some pics comparing my work with others, but for now, enjoy!<br>
Also note, the actual scans show more detail, but "webshots" reduces the size a bit I think. If anyone just hasta see the full sized pics to savor every tiny detail, drop me a line and I'll e-mail 'em. However, don't get me wrong, my ego isn't so big as to expect fans from this.<br>
If anyone gets the much hated "little red X" the links to the pics are, in order as above:<br>
Hi Busboy,<br>
That ain't half bad considering the speed at which you paint! That centurion, does he come in a single part? Very flashy figure, he is. I would try to be a bit less generous with the gold though, for instance painting the pteruges fringes with a light yellow instead of gold might look a bit better.<br>
As to acrylics peeling, that can happen for two reasons. First off, the 1/72nd figs are probably rather soft plastic right? The paint hardens on it and if they then get only slightly bent, it may break no matter how much sealing you apply. It's just the trouble with that soft stuff. It is also possible the mould-release medium is still on the figs. Washing them in detergent before painting will get rid of that. Applying a primer paint (car primer from an aerosol, thinly sprayed will even do the trick, and is fast) helps the paint stick a lot better too!<br>

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
Thanks for the tips and quick reply!<br>
The lead centurion is one single piece. As for acrylic paint peeling, it has been my experience that it peels from anything other than canvas, paper, or other porus surfaces. However, I will bear those ideas in mind, thanks!<br>
By the way, I seem to have lied. Though I DID write an initial post to the "new members" thread, apparently I'm so tired I didn't post it. I've gotta sleep, going on 20 hours without having my eyes closed, 13 of which were spent at work, and 9 of those were standing, and I only got 5 hours of sleep last night...<br>
I'm not complaining. I can and have pulled harder, and I know my petty self inflicted hardships are nothing to gripe about, I just wanna say...I'm tired!<br>
Night, thanks for the quick reply sir! <p></p><i></i>
Ave Busboy! :<br>
Funny meeting you here.... <p></p><i></i>
A great hail and hello to you too Bras! Go figure... <p></p><i></i>
You two know each other, eh? <p><a href=><u>Rules For Posting</u>

We have known each other for some time from World War II On-Line He showed me his figures one one of the forums for that game and I told him he should come here.<br>
any reason I cant see the pics ?<br>
not having trouble on any other pages<br>
Dave <p></p><i></i>
My host is no good. Eventually I'll move those pics over to my Mac website so they can be seen, or you can go to my webshots page and view them from there.<br>
Sorry. <p></p><i></i>
Well, my other hosting option is going to toast, so looks like its gonna be webshots, which do not display.<br>
However, if you copy/paste the links at the bottom into a new browser window, it *should* work. <p></p><i></i>
#11 works fine for me. <p>Greets<BR>

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
Thanks for the heads up Jasper. I don't think that site will allow me to post the pics directly in a forum, but I can give ya'll a link to a gallery that will work!<br>
Try that folks. <p></p><i></i>
Hello all,<br>
I do believe that this model is a member of LEG II AVG in the UK called Douglas Arnold. You can see what they have to say about the work on their site here:<br>
If you are after a photo of his face in colour, you can find one of him here at our site watching the gladiatorial games as Emperor Trajan:<br>
All the best.<br>
Graham <p></p><i></i>
It does actually. Look up the picture in cartogra and get the properties. Works magnificently. <p>Greets<BR>

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
both list several ways to protect plastic figs<br>
Dave <p></p><i></i>

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