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Searching for book
Hi All,

For my dad I'm searching for a good book on Roman Medical History. Does someone know some titles for me, which I can try to find.

Jvrjenivs Peregrinvs Magnvs / FEBRVARIVS
A.K.A. Jurjen Draaisma
CORBVLO and Fectio
Quote:For my dad I'm searching for a good book on Roman Medical History. Does someone know some titles for me, which I can try to find.

In English there's
Doctors and Diseases in the Roman Empire by Ralph Jackson. British Museum Press 1991. (My number one choice in English)

Roman Medicine (Revealing History (Paperback)) by Audrey Cruse (2004), but I haven't read that yet. For contemporary knowledge look e.g. for

Celsus - De Medicina. Tranl. by W.G. Spencer. Loeb Classical Library.

Also interesting is
The Roman Military medical Service. in Service in the Roman Army. Roy W. Davies. Edinburgh 1989

In German:

Antike Heilkunst. Ausgewählte Texte. Jutta Kollesch (Ed.) Reclam 9305

Der Arzt im Altertum. Walter Müri. München 1943

Heilkunst und Heilkult - Medizin in der Antike. Antje Krug. München 1993

Medizin in der Antike. Ernst Künzl. Stuttgart 2002

A German online version of Dioscurides' Materia Medica can be found at

There's more of course, but I hope that helps some. Let me know if you are looking for anything more specific, but I guess not ...
There's also:

Greek and Roman Medicine (Classical World S.) by Helen King

Doctors and Diseases in the Roman Empire by Ralph Jackson

I have the latter and it is an excellent read.
TARBICvS/Jim Bowers

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