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Where was Sextus Pompey in 44?
I'm trying to pin down where Sextus Pompey was holding out at the time of Caesar's assassination. Some sources say that he was in Sicily, but Broughton in "Magistrates of the Roman Republic, Vol. II", says some of the conspirators fled to him in Spain. Is there any certain information on this? I tend to lean heavily on Broughton in researching my books. Thanks in advance.
Pecunia non olet
After Caesar defeated the Pompey brothers, the elder being killed at Munda in 45. Sextus fled to Sicily, though it would take a couple years for him to gather the support he did and face the Triumvirate, I think it's safe to assume he was in Sicily by Caesar's death in March 44
Quintus Furius Collatinus

I would think it is probable that he was in Sicily, but he seemed to have some widespread support around part of the western Mediterranean. Already in about 44-43 BC, presumably soon after the assassination, there were coins minted in his name in Massilia. So I think it is possible he was somewhere else when Caesar was assassinated.
David J. Cord
He was indeed in Spain.

Appian (Civil Wars II.105): following Munda and the fall of Cordoba, Sextus "for the moment lay low and slipped from place to place, raiding." This suggests he was fighting a guerilla war, initially commanding only a handful of men.

(II.122) At the time of the Ides Sextus "was still fighting Caesar's commanders in Spain," so he had presumably gathered quite a sizeable army by this point. The Liberators advised the Senate to order his recall. Off the top of my head, I think that one of these Caesarian commanders opposing Sextus might have been Asinius Pollio - Cicero's letters to him place him in Spain the following year at least.

(III.4) Shortly afterwards, Antonius himself "proposed to recall from Spain the son of the still universally and deeply missed Pompeius, Sextus Pompeius, who was contining the war against Caesar's generals. Antonius also proposed that in place of his father's property, which had been confiscated [and bought by Antonius himself!] Sextus should be given fifty milion denarii from the public funds, and that he should now be supreme commander at sea, as his father had been, and have the immediate use of Roman ships anywhere to meet emergencies. The Senate was amazed at these provisions, but accepted them with enthusiasm and spent the whole day blessing Antonius." [Antonius later explains (III.36) that he did this to 'ensnare the Senate and bring it over to my side']

By IV.25 Sextus is already controlling Sicily and welcoming fugitives from the proscriptions. So we could assume that the Senate carried on Antonius's orders and gave Sextus the naval command.
Nathan Ross
Thanks, everybody. I think the consensus seems to be: he could have been in either place in March 44, but Spain is most likely.
Pecunia non olet
Quote:he could have been in either place in March 44, but Spain is most likely.

Appian is completely certain that he was in Spain, and remained there until he was recalled by Antonius... What contrary evidence suggests that he was in Sicily?
Nathan Ross

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