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Late Roman Groups and Events in the US
Hi All...are there any Late Roman Groups (AD Third to AD Fifth Century)in the US and, if so, are there any events to attend? Thanks, Mike
Michael T. Boyd
Victoria, Texas
Cohort V
Legio Hispana IX
Cornuti Seniores

Roman Soldier Impressions are focused on 1st Through 4th Century AD
Well, I think that you don't get any faster reply by duplicating your questions Wink

And to answer your question, I don't know of any groups/events in the US specifically recreating the later period, but there are people recreating that period for sure.
Jvrjenivs Peregrinvs Magnvs / FEBRVARIVS
A.K.A. Jurjen Draaisma
CORBVLO and Fectio
It was late last night and I forgot to choose the proper catagory, I don't know how to remove the one in announcements, but it got you to respond)lol). I'm hoping the question will lead to like minded people in the US eventually getting together and doing living history in this fascinating time of the Roman Legions. I find this a much more interesting time period the more I study and read. Also, the look of the Legionary at this time is amazing! Mike
Michael T. Boyd
Victoria, Texas
Cohort V
Legio Hispana IX
Cornuti Seniores

Roman Soldier Impressions are focused on 1st Through 4th Century AD

Well, there seems to be a growing number of multi-era events, and I'm sure they'd love to see something as new and obscure as a Late Roman group. Here in the DC area we have Marching Through Time in April, and a few hours south is Military Through the Ages at Jamestown, VA, every March. Both great events!

Also, Roman-focused events are generally open as well. Last June at Roman Days we had everything from Romulus himself (me!) to a hand-gunner from the Fall of Constantinople in 1453! Alpha to Omega. Plus, the very concept of a Roman soldier with a gun was just too cool! Obviously the bulk of the troops were first century AD, so we are always looking for folks doing earlier or later stuff.

It might be hard to get a strictly Late Roman event going, unless you have a good manpower pool to work with. So multi-era events are a great place to start and get noticed.

Matthew Amt (Quintus)
Legio XX, USA
<a class="postlink" href="">
Hi Mike,

To the best of my knowledge there are no, purely late Roman groups in the USA. There are a number of individuals, or SCA members, who are Late Roman re-enactors. Many of these are members of this forum, btw.
The only one that I ever knew of was Secunda Britannica of Jeff/Lucius Aurelius Metellus (whom I've not heard of in years, sadly). Dave Kufner also formed a group once I think?

There's a Late Roman forum which has a few US members:
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
Yes, I found the site Friday and am awaiting membership approval, was hoping other US members would speak up, either here on RAT or if I'm allowed to join the Yahoo site, there. Thanks for the info, Mike
Michael T. Boyd
Victoria, Texas
Cohort V
Legio Hispana IX
Cornuti Seniores

Roman Soldier Impressions are focused on 1st Through 4th Century AD

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