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Hi All,
this my first post, I have re-posted here as its a more appropriate section, so here goes...
I'm an artist and have been comissioned to illustrate Hannibal for a book on Rome and her enemies. The reference I have been given is for a figure wearing a helmet of the type shown in the well known bust of Hannibal (you know the one where he looks like a broken nosed boxer wearing a kids plastic helmet!)The rest is guess work, but the author is suggesting a mail shirt similar the the roman type and bronze greaves.
I just wondered if anyone had some suggestions of their own as I would assume Hannibals uniform might be something more impressive.Would a leather muscled cuirass with leather straps forming a skirt be possible? Helmet suggestions would also be much appreciated
thanks in advance
Hannibal spent much of his life in Spain and his army was heavily Spanish. You might look into the remarkable and distinctive Spanish equipment. As with the whole Mediterranean world Greek influence was unavoidable, but there were many uniquely spanish features.
Pecunia non olet
Here is my interpretation of Hannibal Barca

all comments appreciated....
Well... perhaps the BEST depiction of Hannibal I have seen so far Confusedhock: ... It looks like a REAL man, not like "Gimli" of the late angus McBride works...
Virilis / Jyrki Halme
[Image: fectio.png]
I would expect Hannibal´s helmet and armour to be gilded or silvered at least. Also the pterges would probably have a more textile appearance. And IMO he ceratainly would not carry a deepeeka sword. ^^
Christian K.

No reconstruendum => No reconstruction.

Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas.
caiustarquitius, what sword would you suggest then?
Re the armour, what you descrbe sounds like expensive Parade armour but I would imagine he also had campaign armour akin to what I have depicted.

Virilus, thanks! McBride was one of my heroes when I was at art school but I guess his style is somewhat dated now, but I still enjoy his work. I hadn't realised he had left us.
Quote:Re the armour, what you descrbe sounds like expensive Parade armour but I would imagine he also had campaign armour akin to what I have depicted.

yeah, but its the question if there would be a difference between 'parade armour' and campaign kit. A lot of evidence points out that the 'parade armour' theory seems to be wrong and the ancients didn't know such a thing. Surely a general would also wear his nice gear on battlefield.
Jvrjenivs Peregrinvs Magnvs / FEBRVARIVS
A.K.A. Jurjen Draaisma
CORBVLO and Fectio
Imho the parade doctrine is very very wrong, as is the Hippyka Gymnasia idea with Roman cavalry. The same goes for helmets of which is stated they are cavalry but which might as well be classified as higher officer' s helmets (officers also rode horses...)

However no scientist as of yet has tried to debunk the parade idea.

Bushido wa watashi no shuukyou de gozaru.

Katte Kabuto no O wo shimeyo!

Quote:Re the armour, what you descrbe sounds like expensive Parade armour but I would imagine he also had campaign armour akin to what I have depicted.
No, I don´t think so. For all we know the Ancients tried to look especially blingy when in the field. The concept of the existence of Parade armour was deconstructed completely by Junkelmann in 1996, in Reiter wie Statuen aus Erz.

Quote:caiustarquitius, what sword would you suggest then?
A Lucanian type, maybe? A Parazonium?
Christian K.

No reconstruendum => No reconstruction.

Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas.
About the sword, wouldnt a falcata / kopis be more accurate?

[Image: falcata.jpg]

Or even maybe this type (Celtiberian) :

[Image: Cogotas-II_%2528dagas%2529-Segunda_Edad_del_Hierro.jpg]

The hellenisation of the Carthaginians aside, are there any references in literature to the actual Carthaginian culture?

Did higher officers use to fight alongside their troops? Did they only fight as cavalry?

Are there primary sources which give an accurate description of the Carthaginians and what they looked like exactly?

Bushido wa watashi no shuukyou de gozaru.

Katte Kabuto no O wo shimeyo!

War between Carthage and Rome lasted 12 years and extended over a lot of territories. Hannibal spend a lot time in Iberia and Italy... He probably changed his uniform or military equipment along this time... so, if you're trying to drawn Hannibal while he was in Hispania,I think he could have wear Iberian equipment as a falcata sword, a typical weapon from the southeast, territories with narrow bows of friendship with Carthage, a bronze muscled cuirass following the hellenistic tradition and a hellenistic bronze helmet and bronze cnemides too...
From his first battle agaisnt Roman legions, is possible that the general toke Roman equipment as a Lorica Hamata as his men used to do, and why not, a Gladius Hispaniensis or any other sword used by Romans. The helmet coud have been a Montefortino bronze type or another hellenistic type as Roman legionaries did.
The possible combinations are a lot... It's difficult for me to believe that Hannibal used the same equipment during 13 years...

Best Regards
José Miguel Gallego

Quote:Here is my interpretation of Hannibal Barca

all comments appreciated....
very nice work Smile
My questions - as a member of the Phoenician/ Carthaginian elite wouldn't he have been darker, with less pinkish and more olive skin tone - I point to this aspect of his appearance because your skills with brush are quite amazing and I am sure you can paint pretty much anything -

what medium have you used - Photoshop ? Painter? or some other medium? I am always very curious about the creative process as well
bachmat66 (Dariusz T. Wielec)
<a class="postlink" href="">
Not much to add to this discussion but I would just like to say to Simon, impressive art work Smile

Ingvar Sigurdson
Dave Huggins
Dariusz and Ingvar,
thanks for the kind comments. Yes I'm sure your right about the skin tone! I use both photoshop and corel painter.I still use traditional media (oils and acrylics) but only when time allows for my own pursuits. For publishing when time is short, digital artwork is faster and easier to send. Its also easier to correct errors!!

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