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Domitianic Diploma for Iudaea dated 90 AD!

Whilst searching through some 82,500 items, as one does, for more diploma images, I found rather more than I had hoped.

Please allow me to explain.

Dr. Werner Eck's website (see below) contains many articles of interest, one in particular sprang to my attention.

(mit H. M. Cotton - B. Isaac) A Newly Discovered Governor of Judaea in a Military Diploma from 90 CE, Israel Museum Studies in Archeology 2, 2003, 17-31. ... index.html

I could have phoned the friendly librarian at the Roman Society, I've been a member for over three years, and asked for a copy of the article to be sent to me. Oh no, that would be too easy.

The next part of my search takes us to an e-mail that I sent to Andreas Pengerl last week.


Thank you so very much for your most welcome message and for your posts in my three articles. I must admit that I had my fingers crossed in the hope that you would respond in a positive way.

I would like to ask you for some guidance on my efforts to decode the image for Ivdaea. I am going to attempt a full reconstruction but, as this is the first diploma for the year 87, it is possibly unique.

I arived at the year 87 in a roundabout way. In Peter Weiss and Michael P. Speidel's article "Das Erste Miltardiplom fur Arabia" (ZPE 150 (2004) 253-264 on page 257 note 18, is the following:-
18 CIL XVI 33: H.M. Cotton- W. Eck - B. Isaac, A Newly Discovered Governor of Judaea in a Military Diploma from 90 CE, Israel Museum Studies in Archaelogy 2, 2003, 17 ff. (dort 19 mit Ann 13 ein Hinweis auf eine unpublizierte Urkunde von Jahre 87).

I therefore deduced that your image of the fragment for Iudaea is the last item to be mentioned. I can't even begin to try translating the part in brackets from dort to 87?

My problems lie first, in the reconstruction of the Latin words following Domitians titles to the first ala. Second are the names of the pair of consuls for 87? Proculo is the cognomen of one of them, but I have two consuls with the same cognomen ie.
19.Mai.87 C(aio) Bellico Natale Telamiano, C(aio) Ducenio Proculo from CFA 55
10.Sep.87 C(aio) Cicnio Proculo, L(ucio) Neratio Prisco from CFA 55
Which pair is it? Your answer would be of great help in narrowing the date range down considerably.

Finally, thank you once again for your kind offer of assistance.


Jim Poulton

Please see:

Another tantalizing glimpse was also found.

Stationed in Judea Roman Soldier's Certificate of Citizenship
This military diploma is the copy of an imperial grant given to a soldier in the auxiliary forces upon his discharge after twenty-five years of service in 90 CE. It mentions nine units stationed in Judea at the time under Titus Pomponius Bassus, Governor of the province, who was not known to have occupied this position until the discovery of the diploma. Acquired in memory of Chaim Herzog, sixth President of the State of Israel. Roman Gallery, Bronfman Archaeology Wing, Jerusalem.

So we know where the diploma is now.

The big breakthrough came from the most unlikely source. Two guys in a chat room discussing when Israel had been known as Judae, one of them used copies of these three attachments to illustrate his argument.

Please click on the images to enlarge them.


M. Spedius Corbulo
[Image: spedius-mcmxliii.gif]
~~~~~~Jim Poulton~~~~~~
North London Wargames Group

Here's another snippet of information about this diploma, the dimensions.

Roman Military Diploma
90 CE
H. 16 cm, W. 10.5 cm
Acquired through the generosity of Yad Chaim Herzog, in memory of Chaim Herzog , Sixth President of the State of Israel, with the help of The Carmen and Louis Warschaw Fund for Archaeological Acquisitions, and David and Genevieve Hendin, New York


M. Spedius Corbulo
[Image: spedius-mcmxliii.gif]
~~~~~~Jim Poulton~~~~~~
North London Wargames Group

The images shown in the opening post of this topic were obtained from this website:- ... vdaea.html


M. Spedius Corbulo
[Image: spedius-mcmxliii.gif]
~~~~~~Jim Poulton~~~~~~
North London Wargames Group

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