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Locket-pates for Pompeii gladii
Is there anyone out there who can point me to references for Pompeii-type scabbard mounts? I am particularly interested in finding out where they are all located, where they are published, and interpretations of their iconography. Is there anything on the net including images?<br>
Celer. <p></p><i></i>
Hoo, wow, good luck with this one! Sounds like quite a research project. There are a couple scabbards shown in Bishop and Coulston, one or two in Connolly's books, a couple in Simkins' books, several in the Vindonissa catalog several scattered through the various volumes of JRMES, and some nice repros in Dan Peterson's book. (Hit the Legio XX Bibliography page, , for fuller information on these.) Usually the findspot is mentioned, sometimes the current museum of residence, but rarely any commentary on what is shown or (much less) what it means. There is a nice article on the parts from "Long Windsor" and Valkenberg in one of the back issues of the Ermine Street Guard's "Exercitus". You can probably find a few more in books that I don't have--excavation reports, mostly, or maybe Junkelmann's books.<br>
You might find some photos of repros on the net, of varying levels of accuracy, but even fewer of the details you want. Hmm, unless there is a little something on the Armamentarium site?<br>
Sorry, that's about all I've got! Good luck, and Vale,<br>
Matthew/Quintus, Legio XX <p></p><i></i>
Matthew Amt (Quintus)
Legio XX, USA
<a class="postlink" href="">
The most obvious starting-point is the seminal work on all things Pompeii swordlike:<br>
Ulbert, G. 1969: 'Gladii aus Pompeji', Germania 47, 97-128<br>
but much stirling work has been done in recent years by Ernst Künzl on both Mainz and Pompeii scabbard decoration in a profusely-illustrated paper<br>
Künzl, E. 1996: 'Gladiusdekorationen der frühen römischen<br>
Kaiserzeit, dynastische Legitimation, Victoria und Aurea<br>
Aetas',*Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmu-<br>
seums Mainz* 43, 383-474<br>
This had a good catalogue and photos and linedrawings to die for.<br>
if you can get hold of these two papers you will have locket-plates coming out of your ears (if that is not too bizarre an image).<br>
A propos of nothing, I gather one of the Vindonissa-type chape plates (the aedicula sort) has turned up recently in the excavations on the early military site at Fishbourne.<br>
Mike Bishop <p></p><i></i>
You know my method. It is founded upon the observance of trifles

Blogging, tweeting, and mapping Hadrian\'s Wall... because it\'s there
Many thanks to both of you for the info. I will try to get hold of Ulbert & Künzl's works. Looks like I've landed myself with a major project here. Expect to hear from me in three years time (I have to brush up my German first!)<br>
Celer. <p></p><i></i>
I tried locating this journal via OCLC First Search in the hope that a holding institution might supply photocopies of the article through interlibrary loan but had no luck. However, the search did find several books and articles authored by an Ernst Kunzl. I assuming the same guy as the subjects dealt with Roman studies. My German is poor (and I didn't run the titles through a translator) but one work dealt with Roman medicine on some level.<br>
I'll keep trying. Someone, somewere in the world has this journal and if I can get copies of the article I'll pass them along. <p></p><i></i>
It is a very popular journal in all academic libraries with some archaeological content. If you can't find one within your own country that can supply it by ILL, you might like to try the Ashmolean Library in Oxford, which used to run a photocopies-by-post service.<br>
Mike Bishop <p></p><i></i>
You know my method. It is founded upon the observance of trifles

Blogging, tweeting, and mapping Hadrian\'s Wall... because it\'s there

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