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Help I have this obsession with Roman way of life
ever since I was 8 yrs old and saw the film Spataracvs ,I am currently re decorating my lounge in the style of Roman Palace my mrs thinks Ive gone all religious on her and is worried I might start wearing a Toga and chanting in latin verses ,Ive even started to attend various shows and displays put on by Roman re-enactment societys but only as spectator ...........will I eventually end up like some of you and start dressing up at weekends ? <p></p><i></i>
You should see my Roman Dining room... <p>Rusty Myers<br> Commander, Legio VI FFC<br> </p><i></i>
Pictures please ...!! <p></p><i></i>
~ Paul Elliott

The Last Legionary
This book details the lives of Late Roman legionaries garrisoned in Britain in 400AD. It covers everything from battle to rations, camp duties to clothing.
Salve Caractacvs,<br>
come on in the water's lovely.<br>
Mummius <p></p><i></i>
Religious? Toga-wearing? Babbling in Latin? Dressing up (on the weekends)?<br>
Naaaaah, that doesn't describe us at ALL!<br>
Welcome to the club, my friend. Too bad the Mrs. isn't so interested in it...Or maybe you could try to get her to wear Roman Women's clothing and hairstyles? Maybe take some belly-dancing lessons? Could be lotsa fun!<br>
>>Ive even started to attend various shows and displays put on by Roman re-enactment societys but only as spectator<<<br>
Aah, no you got it all wrong, once you walked into a show/display/reenactment you BECAME a participant, not "only as spectator" Case in point. Muahahaha.<br>
<p>-ANDY aka "Roman Dude" Svaviter in Modo, Fortiter in Re<br>
<br> </p><i></i>
Oh that's nothing. You should see my wife when I tell her of my ideas for a roman altar and bathhouse for the backyard. Some of my neighbors have pools, others have decks, none of that for me. Both ideas are still in the dream stage as I've been bitten by the chain maille bug and spend most of my off hours in the basement pounding on the anvil. As it is I have an entire room for my roman kit, the armory and library, and a third of the basement for my workshop. One of these days I will succeed in getting both my wife and my daughter to wear the roman dresses I bought for them.<br>
We need more roman reenactors. See me and my friends at the last couple of roman events that I attended:<br>
Roman Days Northeast:<br><br>
and Matt Amt's Roman Days in Maryland:<br><br>
<p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Neuralmancer</A> at: 6/30/04 2:22 am<br></i>
before i discovered this forum, i always thought i was the only one with an obsession for the Romans.<br>
Now i know that i´m not alone... <p>-------------------------------------------------------<br>
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings -- they did it by killing all those who opposed them.<br>
Jeroen Pelgrom
Rules for Posting

I would rather have fire storms of atmospheres than this cruel descent from a thousand years of dreams.
My wife and I divided our home to display our interests (she has a passion for the flora and fauna of Australia).<br>
I think I got the better part of the deal: she got the bedroom and the kitchen, I got the living room and the hallway.<br>
Need to be careful though, she always tries to break in to "my" space, I already allowed one statue of a koala!<br>
But of course, Rome will prevail and Terra Australis will be made a province!<br>
Jurgen/Quintilianus <p></p><i></i>
Ive often wondered bout what the roman empire would have made of the far east and whether a Centurion would have been match for a Japanese Samuri <p></p><i></i>
Most of my family accuse me of devoloping an obcession ever since the 'gladiator ' movie came out but it started long before that ever since I was 8 Im now 45 !!<br>
Yes Ive toyed with the Idea of joining re-enactment group but u all seem to be Academics & Interlectuals and me just 'dull & simple lad' but somehow dont see my self as centurion hence the name perhaps in anougher life I was an ancient Brit and member of the oppostion tribes ,altho ' Id love to have my pic taken in Roman Centurion garb its something I d treasure .......but hope u re=enactment guys wont take it personal when I say u are preety bizzare lot your enthusiasm is at times over powering ; me and Mrs have to take step back esp when Ive made the mistake of asking question and it turns into 20min lecture Id swear some of you are classicaly trained actors .<br>
Hope my comments havent offended anyone<br>
Well not me. My professional training is in Engineering and Mathematics, very far removed from anything ancient. As far as anything roman is concerned I'm definitely an amateur.<br>
Don't be intimidated. What's the saying, a long journey starts by a few small steps. To start out all that you need are a tunica, caligae, and a belt. Find a legio near you. A local group can get you pointed in the right direction. <p></p><i></i>
I think I speak for most groups, that we come from all walks of life. Yes there are a few intellectuals but also lots of down to earth people with very humble and earthy backgrounds.<br>
Admitedly the enthusiasm of some people can be a little overpowering but you get that in daily life anyway.<br>
One of our group members got involved because he is a professional John Cleese impersonator and wanted photographing in the kit for his promotional material (Life of Brian). He now joins us in displays and parades frequently.<br>
You should find that most groups let you have a trial run without any sort of commitment, financial or otherwise.<br>
Since I became involved in the Roman world I've met some really great people, been involved in some amazing events and experienced things I wouldn't have dreamed of before.<br>
Perhaps joining a re-enactment group is not for you but don't be put off by some of the more over entusiastic types. Nothing ventured..nothing gained.<br>
OPtio, Deva Victrix <p></p><i></i>
I'd like to say something here. I was in Caractacus' place one year ago. Only I'd done a degree in Ancient HIstory & Archaeology ten years ago! But I was still hot obsessed with Greece and Rome since the age of 16.<br>
I read books, I wrote roleplaying games. But mainly read books. On a whim I tried making a few 'artefacts' for the school I work at. A Roman scroll with some wood dowel and Egyptian papyrus I brought back from my honeymoon, a clay Sumerian statue and a clay 'practice' tablet inscribed with Akkadian... at first ....<br>
Hey ... living history! Then the sling. Then a staff sling. One more step to a local (3 hours away) Roman group (Cohors Quinta Gallorum).<br>
I think I made these steps subconsciously, really, trying to actually get into the past. To live it not just read about it. To do it, to learn some of the skills of ancient people. I've made a shield. Wow. My own Roman boots. Wow x4 (). A javelin, a spear, a quiver ... the list goes on and on. It's not really the 'dressing up' that attracts me, but the learning. The learning how to make something used by folks in the past.<br>
I don't think anyone - however much research and reading they do, can get into the skin of a Roman or Greek or Egyptian as much as someone who really 'lives it' by trying to craft the objects (and use them!).<br>
This is of course my humble opinion!!!!!!!<br>
~ Paul Elliott

The Last Legionary
This book details the lives of Late Roman legionaries garrisoned in Britain in 400AD. It covers everything from battle to rations, camp duties to clothing.
Dont get me wrong Im not knocking re-enactment groups there is no better sight than an attachment of Roman soldiers parading in all their armour like ghosts from the past ....... <p></p><i></i>

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