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Dating of the Noric-swords&brass-alloy in Slovenia

i found the article about the late Celtic swords, the Noric swords from Slovenia (my country) here:

I have the whole article of Janka Istenić aswell.

But here are many open questions:
1. why the Janka Istenić put the new datation of this swords, from Augustan time to Cesareian time ab. 70-60 BC; our timeframe Mokronog IIIb, MI Eu timeframe Lt D2, at the beginning of this period?

She thinks: there are many Roman broches - fibulas made from brass (alloy). I know that fact because i have replica of alesia fibula from Kovaševše the orig. is brass.
Must be between the fibulas made form brass and this Noric sword the timeframe-paralelle?
i think it is not necessary.
I think the swords with the brass scabbard-aplications are younger, are from the Augustan-periode because of the Roman's brochees, fibulas in that graves and other Roman's items aswell and they are from augustan timeframe. They belongs to our Past-Celtic tribe Latobic (German: Latobiker; slovenian. Latobiki) and not the classical tribe of Taurisci - we should know, that this setelments belongs to the Latobicians and not to the Taurisci tribe.

2. The Celts or the Romans??

She means, that this Noric swords with scabard's aplications of brass werde made for the Celts, but the workers were the Romans. They should be the prestige gifts for the Celtic's aristocracy for the Celtic offiziers.

Ok, but why she put out the conclusion, that this hipothese in connection to the "prestige-gifts" for the Celts doesn't desturb the older view, that the Celts used the brass - alloy before the Romans?
Where concrete were the Celts used the brass, wich items are that? I dont' know them.

Maybe the Tormenta user, the Slovene (leader of our slovenian's Roman living history group) can help me with the answers because i (still) dont't know much about the early Roman's kid here in Slovenia.

Does anybody knows more about this fact?

PS: maybe off topic here: does anybody knows the workers of good Gladius Hispanensis - replica of our Ljubljanica river item?
I know the items of deepeka (no thnx, it is worse imitation) and i know the item of the Patrik Barta (the shape should be wast-er, it is not good replica aswell).

Thnx for the help!

I like LH
______________ (member) (my HP on German) (my HP on Slovenian)

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  Fort in Slovenia Luca 2 1,102 04-07-2002, 07:09 PM
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