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samurai salt pork recipe (tateba)
There is a traditional Japanese dish served at outposts and way stations called tateba. Tateba is the name of both the place and the dish. I have an armor made about 1600 with the Tateba clan mon which is how I stumbled on the recipe.

I made this today. My wife won't touch it. I will make it again when the mother-in-law visits and that will take care of that problem for a while.

Four 4' square pieces of salt pork cut into 2" cubes
wash with cold water to remove excess salt
cover with fresh water in an iron pot and bring to boil
add two tablespoons of fermented soy bean past ...the red kind..
add 1/2 cup saki or mirin rice vinigar... i used saki..
pepper flakes and fire oil to taste
simmer for 2 to 3 hours until pork is soft and can be broken up with chop sticks
10 minutes before serving add a sliced onion and two diced carrots.

Serve in a dish with seperate rice, a side of chopped fresh vegitables, cucumber, carrot, etc. splashed with mirin and sesame seeds.
after eating the pork, drink the broth which can be thined, as it is a bit salty.

Finish with green tea, and then put on your armor and raid a nearby village for more rice and vegitables to get the taste of the broth out of your mouth. Have Kurasawa make this into a cult film.

Adding the onion and carrot 10 minutes before serving is real good ... leaves the onion sweet but not washed out. the pork is salty, strong, and taste a bit like cornbeef. I recomend mustard dipping sauce (karashi, see below). If I make this again I will simmmer the pork for about an hour and then replace the water to get rid of the excess salt. Then I would add the bean paste, etc.

2 tbs. soy sauce
2 tbs. saki or mirin (saki is better)
1 tbs hot mustard
1/4 fire oil or chilie sauce
stir until well mixed

Karashi goes well with almost everthing.

The relevance beside samurai haute cusine, is that salt pork was a staple of Rome, and a lot of other places until refrigiration. It has probably been around since the invention of pigs and salt. Simmering salt pork in garum, which seems to be similar to bean paste, is something that simply cannot not have happened, even though no one may mention it. Salt pork has to be a field ration or garrison staple cooked in whatever from the beginning untill some fool figured out how to abuse the troops with the C-ration. I actually miss the old C-rat beef with spice sauce, and wish I could buy it in the grocery store. I used to buy C-rats from the surplus store and eat them on archaeology projects in preference to the pb&j or fried balony sandwiches we were normally given.


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