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Salvete omnes,

Fellow RATer Anthony Riches has generously offered one of 250 special edition copies, signed, numbered (5 of 250) and lined, of his new book Wounds of Honour as a prize for a new trivia contest as a thankyou to the membership of RAT for the great information he found here during some of the research for his book.

"Marcus Valerius Aquila has scarcely landed in Britannia when he has to run for his life—condemned to dishonorable death by power-crazed emperor Commodus. The plan is to take a new name, serve an obscure regiment on Hadrian's Wall and lie low until he can hope for justice. Then a rebel army sweeps down from the wastes north of the Wall, and Marcus has to prove he's hard enough to lead the front line of a brutal, violent war."

This contest will be a simple random drawing from all correct entries received before midnight PDT 4. October, 2009- once again, simply email your answer to me using the button.

And once again RAT is not directly involved in supplying the prizes, and is simply acting as a venue; by entering, a member agrees to allow his/her email addresses to be supplied to Mr. Anthony Riches, who will arrange for delivery of the prize according to the laws of each winner's country, as applicable. The transaction excludes RAT, its ownership and membership.
See FABRICA ROMANORVM Recreations in the Marketplace for custom helmets, armour, swords and more!
The question is:

Who was the Roman Consular Governor of Britannia charged with restoring order to the province after the disastrous fighting in which a Roman general was killed by the northern tribes in about 180 CE, on which the Battle of Lost Eagle in Wounds of Honour is based?

Just email me your answer and if it's right, you're in the draw!
See FABRICA ROMANORVM Recreations in the Marketplace for custom helmets, armour, swords and more!
Congratulations to Quintilianus, winner of the contest and thanks to all who entered!

The correct answer was VLPIVS MARCELLVS, who had already been governor of Britannia in fact, and was given the job again when he was sent back by the Emperor Commodus in about 180CE to quell the rebellion that had seen the loss of a Roman general, thought to be the former governor CAERELLIVS PRISCVS.
See FABRICA ROMANORVM Recreations in the Marketplace for custom helmets, armour, swords and more!

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