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Roman Republican Army
This was a thread posted by one of my forummers at my history forum at<br>
Quote:Heres a few definations I wrote for Wikipedia about the Roman Republican Army. Tell me what you think, and point out any inaccuracies if you would.<br>
Skirmishers of the Roman Army during the Republic, the Velites were armed with a short sword (Gladius) and several javelins, wore light armor, which usually consisted of little more than greaves and a bronze helmet, and carried a basic round shield. Their armor and weaponry made them the most mobile of all the Roman infantry of the time. The Velites did not form their own line, rather manipules of Principe and Hastati had a certain number of velites assigned to them. During battle the velites would engage the enemy with their spears before retiring behind the Hastati and Principe, however their effectiveness is often over looked, as the Velites were responsible for turning back war elephants at many different occasions.<br>
The Velites of Roman Republican army at its height around 200 B.C. were remnants of the earlier rorarii and accensi classes, which were comprised of the unreliable and otherwise poor combatants of the original 5 class Phalanx. Though they still owned land, the Velites were usually the poorer of the Roman military accepted classes, until the time of Marius. During the time up until the establishment of the Roman Empire under Augustus, the Roman Army frequently accepted foreignors into its service in an effort to keep sufficient manpower. The Velites were done away with with when Augustus reorganized the army.<br>
The first main battle line in the Roman Army during the Republic, typically made up of younger men. The Hastati were armed with 4 foot spears with 9 inch tips, along with the standard short sword, or Gladius. Their armor consisted of the standard bronze helmet of the Roman Army at the time, except with the addition of large plumes. The Hastati also wore a bronze cuirass sometimes with the addition of chain mail if the soldier could afford it. However, the armor of the Hastati was not as heavy as that of the Principe.<br>
They were organizzed into Centuries of 60 men, which were arranged into Manipules of 120, of which there were 10 in battle formation. As the first battle line, the Hastati were immediately behind the Velites and infront of the Principes, which were in front of the Triarii. The Hastati were sent into battle first, and commenly withdrew to the Principe line to allow for a counterattack.<br>
The Second line of Battle in the Republican Roman Army. The Princepe were expirienced soldiers, positioned behind the Hastati and infront of the Triarii. They wore armor similiar to that of the Hastati, but heavier. The Principe were also equipped like the Hastati, with pilum and gladius.<br>
In Battle the Principe were meant to counter attack if the Hastati happen to fail in the initial engagement. Originally the Princepe were organized like the Hastati, in centuries of 60 under a Centurion, however they contained 80 men like the Triarii by the late Republican era. Two centuries comprised a Manipule, and 10 manipules were used in battle line formation.<br>
The third standard line of infantry of the Roman Republican Army. When suffering defeat, the first and second lines, the Hastati and Principes, fell back on the Triarii to attempt to reform the line and allow for a counter attack or withdrawl of the other lines. Because falling back on the Triarii was an act of desperation, to mention, "falling on the Triarii" became a common Roman phrase indicating one to be in a desperate situation.<br>
Triarii, not unlike the Princepes, were divided into ten manipules of 160 men. Each manipule consisted of two centuries consisting of 80 mean each, commanded by a Centurion. The Triarii were the veterans of the Roman Army, making them perfectly suited for reinforcing the two front lines of the formation. They were lightly armoured compared to the Hastati and Princepes, however.<br>
Can someone please help with the question ?<br>
<p><A HREF=""><IMG SRC=""BORDER="0"></A><br><b>SMQ President of <A href="">History Club Simaqian Studio</A></b></p><i></i>
<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Velites</span></strong><br>
They were formed first in 211, at least, that's what Livy concluded from Polybius texts. They were, I think, not equipped with greaves. They were more effective than normal skirmishers, as they were capable of close combat with sword and shield (like Spanish <em>caetrati</em>) [Livy, <em>AUC</em>, 31,35]<br>
Their last recorded action was under Sulla, fighting against Mithridates in 86 BC.<br>
<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Hastati</span></strong><br>
The bronze cuirass mentioned by Polybius is only a small chest-protector. There is no difference in defensive armour between the <em>hastati, principes</em> and <em>triarii</em>.<br>
<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Principes</span></strong><br>
This is the correct plural.<br>
<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Triarii</span></strong><br>
They were in Polybius' days armed with a Greek style lance (<em>hasta</em>). They were organized in maniples of 60 men, not 160. Maniples of 160 men and centuries of 80, were a feature of the Caesarian and imperial legions.<br>
It should be noted that Polybius does not mentian the centurie in his description of the Roman legion; he only says that the maniple was commanded by two centurions.<br>
Rob Wolters</p><i></i>
drsrob a.k.a. Rob Wolters

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