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Polishing media

Don't give away all my secrets. I might get caught :lol: :lol: :lol:

Actually I'm quite fortunate. Mare's tail's grows on waste round everyhere near me, particularly on some disused railway routes (now cycleways).

Crispus; that sounds like a comment from bitter experience.

Byron; the stuff in your garden is probably bindweed/columbine or Japanese knotweed. Neither native to UK, but both more virulent than our native weeds. :evil: and I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome all to ROMAN GARDEN TALK. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Mark Downes/Mummius

Cent Gittus, COH X. LEG XX. VV. Deva Victrix

"Don\'\'\'\'t threaten me with a dead fish!" - Withnail
Quote:Byron; the stuff in your garden is probably bindweed/columbine or Japanese knotweed. Neither native to UK, but both more virulent than our native weeds. :evil:
Yup, I've got Japanese knotweed and it's the worst to get rid of (three years on and still there, even after specialist treatment). Also, don't just throw it out if you dig it up, or you could end up with a £10k fine and infect someone else's garden. The new Olympic site is infested with the stuff, and the latest method to get rid of it is to inject it with heavy metals over three seasons. Pulling it up does nought; you have to kill the rhyzomes. Sorry for the RGT, but it's important you get it checked out or it could undermine your foundations :wink:
TARBICvS/Jim Bowers
An old hand cranked coffee mill works great for making a fine powder or dust. I have used my old one ($2.00 usd) with great success for making brick dust and even priming powder.

The one I bought has a metal top (grinding apparatus) on a wooden body. I can check around at this weekends blackpowder frolic if anyone wants me to try and pick one up for them.

Titvs Calidivs Agricola
Wes Olson

Twas a woman that drove me to drink, and I never thanked her. W.C. Fields
Any form of natural abrasive, including sand and light gravel. This can be mixed with a vegetable oil such as olive oil and applied with a rag or even with the rough side of vegetable tanned leather.

Legion Ireland - Roman Military Society of Ireland
Legionis XX Valeria Victrix Cohors VIII

[email protected]

[email protected]
I am suprised no one has mentioned vinegar for copper alloy metals. Cleans up other non-ferrous metals also.
"...quemadmodum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."

a.k.a. Paul M.

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