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Focale theory in newspaper
Something I noticed in a letter in my newspaper on Saturday. There is a discussion on scarfs in the letters pages at the moment for some reason. In one of them, after talking about silk scarves and woolen mufflers, the author goes on to say:

Quote:The scarf, I believe, evolved over the centuries from the woollen focale, devised by Roman soldiers deployed in northern Europe to protect them from the unnaccustomed cold. The focale was wound around the neck, with the long ends hanging loose on the chest.

Any thoughts? My understanding was the the focale was worn throughout the Empire, not just in the cold bits, and the author speaks very authoritatively on how it was worn! Also I find it hard to believe that (even if the focale WAS designed to keep out the cold) the Roman Army, cunning as they were, were the first people to think of wrapping a bit of cloth around the neck to keep it warm.
Carus Andiae - David Woodall

"The greatest military machine in the history of the universe..."
"What is - the Daleks?"
"No... the Romans!" - Doctor Who: The Pandorica Opens
Of course it's a unique invention The Romans invented everything! :wink:

No I agree, I think it is a bit of a stretch to think focales were the primary inspiration for scarves or mufflers from antiquity to the modern age. Even though wide-spread Roman use of focales were an influence I'm sure, I am also sure others did think that wrapping a piece of cloth around your neck helped against the cold and wind.

There are several references to the use of focales in ancient works none of which suggest that their use was confined to northern Europe. There are also quite a few non-military references to use of focales. Horace, and Seneca to name a few. Here is a good cite from Horace as such:

"ponas insignia morbi, fasciolas, cubital, focalia, potus ut ille dicitur ex collo furtim carpsisse coronas, postquam est inpransi correptus voce magistri"

"Will you lay aside those ensigns of your disease, your rollers, your mantle, your mufflers; as he in his cups is said to have privately torn the chaplet from his neck, after he was corrected by the speech of his fasting master?

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