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Cives sine suffragio enrolment
The enrolment system in Polibius history, it is definitely based on tribal assembly. But how are enroled the cives sine suffragio? Their number at the end of III century isn't little, the campanians (Capua and Cuma at example), or a part of them, are cives sine suffragio between latin war and punic war, based on Livy numbers at least a army of 30000 infantrymen and 4000 cavalrymen. In Polibius count of roman-socii manpower roman citizen and campanian are counted together.
But cives sine suffragio like erarii don't have tribe and for this are out from tribal enrolment; wa have the episode of Decius's legio campana at Rhegium, but the term legio dont imply a legion in roman sense (we have legiones gallicae, sanniticae, ecc); however a unit completely ethnic implies a separated enrolment from normal citizens.

"Each historical fact needs to be considered, insofar as possible, no with hindsight and following abstract universal principles, but in the context of own proper age and environment" Aldo A. Settia

a.k.a Davide Dall\'Angelo

SISMA- Società Italiana per gli Studi Militari Antichi

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